3314745 - 5010D30 passenger compartment air temperature sensor - r+r following electrical wiring check operation

Removing ( Refitting ) Make sure that the ignition is off (STOP position), then disconnect the negative battery terminal (refer to op.   5530B10  battery - r+r ).

-Battery  A1B 
1. Unscrew bolt (1a) and open fuse access cover (1b).
1. Remove the protection (1a) for the passenger compartment air temperature sensor using the tool (1b).

1bScraper blade1.823.014.000
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the passenger compartment air temperature sensor (1b) after having disconnected the electrical connection (1c).

1cPassenger compartment air temperature sensor  K89 
Refitting ( Removing ) Connect the electrical connection to the passenger compartment air temperature sensor.Place the passenger compartment air temperature sensor back in its housing and fix it using the bolts.Fit the protection for the passenger compartment air temperature sensor.Close the fuse access cover and secure using the appropriate bolt.Connect the negative (-) battery terminal.