3315528 - E2010 SIDE LIGHTS / NO. PLATE LIGHTS - Functional description (Right hand drive)
Functional description
The side lights and parking lights are controlled by the electronic Check device M45 , that receives control signals from the switches and controls the bulbs while also checking the various lines. The supply for Check device M45 arrives directly from the battery (maxifuse CENTR of B5 ) at pins 1 and 6 of connector C, via fuse F11 of junction unit B1 . The supply controlled by the ignition (INT/A) arrives via fuse F1 of junction unit B1 at pin 9 of connector C; pin 7 of connector C is earthed C21. When the exterior lights control H6 is in side lights on configuration, contact pin 4 - pin 5, pins 4 and 5 (connector A) of M45 are shortcircuited.The unit M45 supplies the following side lights:
- from pin 6 (connector D) the left headlamp F10 (pin 3 connector C), or pin 4 connector C for XENON headlamps;
- from pin 4 (connector D) the right headlamp F11 (pin 3 connector C), or pin 4 connector C for XENON headlamps;
- from pin 1 and pin 6 (connector E) number plate lights F50 (left) and F51 (right);
- from pin 2 and pin 12 (connector E), the rear lights F35 (left) and F36 (right), located on the boot;
- from pin 11 and pin 3 (connector E) the fixed rear lights F30 (left) and F31 (right).