3315550 - E2021 BRAKE LIGHTS - Functional description

Functional description

The stop lights are controlled by electronic Check device M45 , which receives control signals from the switches and controls the bulbs while also checking the various lines. The supply for Check device M45 arrives directly from the battery (MAXIFUSE CENTR of B5 ) at pins 1 and 6 of connector C, via fuse F11 of junction unit B1 . The supply controlled by the ignition (INT/A) arrives via fuse F1 of junction unit B1 at pin 9 and pin 2 of connector C; pin 7 of connector C is earthed C21. The switch l30 is supplied when the ignition is switched on (INT/A) on pin 1 from the line of fuse F1 and at pin 4 of fuse F5 of unit B1; when the brake pedal is pressed, the switch closes and sends the activation signal to pin 1 of connector B of M45 . The check device also controls - pin 7 and pin 5 of connector E - the supply to the side stop lights in the rear lights clusters F30 ed F31 and connector E of the centre rear light cluster F40 from pin 8. The unit M45 checks the efficiency of the bulbs and relevant connections; if faults are detected in the circuit, the 'lights fault' warning light on the instrument panel E50 , pin 7 of connector C, is lit from pin 6 of connector A, while pin 25 of connector A supplies an ignition-operated supply to the panel through fuse F1 of junction unit B1 . In this specific case, the control unit also checks the supply line of switch I30 , and if necessary indicates any faults. The unit M45 , via pin 6 connector A, is also connected to the diagnostic multi-connector (see E8010). The braking signal to switch l30 is sent from the switch also to the ABS system (see E7020 - ABS) and to the engine management control unit (see E5030 - ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT FOR PETROL ENGINES or E5050 - ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT FOR DIESEL ENGINES).