3315559 - E2030 FOG LIGHTS - Functional description (Right hand drive)

Functional description

The front fog lamps F15 (left) and F16 (right) are supplied through the front fog lamps relay R5 located in the relay unit B3 . The relay is supplied directly from the battery through the fuse line F3 of the relay unit B3 . The operation of the fog lights is controlled by the electronic Check device M45 . The supply for Check device M45 arrives directly from the battery (MAXIFUSE CENTR of B5 ) at pins 1 and 6 of connector C, via fuse F11 of junction unit B1 . The supply controlled by the ignition (INT/A) arrives via fuse F1 of junction unit B1 at pin 9 of connector C; pin 7 of connector C is earthed. The command to switch on the fog lights is sent by the specific switch in the switch unit on the tunnel H35 (pin 10). This signal is received by the control unit M45 at pin 2 connector A which gives the go ahead to switch on the fog lights from pin 1 connector D, energizing the coil for relay R5 of B3. This go ahead is only implemented by the control unit M45 when the control for the outside lights H6 is in the side lights on condition.This condition is recognized by the control unit when pins 2, 4 and 5 of connector A are short circuited. With the fog lights on, an earth signal is sent from pin 7 connector B of M45 to increase the lighting of the control switch on H35 . The supply for the module H35 is produced by the line controlled by the ignition INT/A via fuse F5 .