3315049 - 7010A20 Rear side DOOR - R.R.

Removing ( Refitting ) With the ignition key in the stop position, disconnect the battery negative terminal.1. Prise up plastic protection (1a), unscrew bolts (1b) of llimiter (1c) and close the door again so that the limiter returns to its place.2. Turn the electrical connection and disconnect.

2Rear left door connection  D35 

-Rear right door connection  D36 
3. Unscrew the hinge retaining bolts.4. Raise the door and remove with the aid of a second operator.
Refitting ( Removing ) With the aid of a second operator, raise the door and refit. Ensure the hinge pins are centred.Screw in the hinge retaining bolts and tighten to torque.

Connect the main wiring connector.Take out the limiter and extend it to the end of its travel.Tighten both bolts retaining the door opening limiter to the car and fit the plastic protective cover.Check the various appliances on the door are working properly.When the operation is complete, look to ensure the gap between door and front wing and between front and rear door is even.Connect the battery negative terminal.