3315218 - 7040H42 rear pillar trim - r r

Removing ( Refitting )  - 7050A20  one-piece rear seat cushion - r r - 7050A19  rear seat squab - r r1. Pull out the rear section of the rear door sealing strip.2. Use tool (2a) to undo lower retaining stud (2b).

3aScraper blade1.823.014.000
3. Use tool (3a) to undo remaining rear trim fasteners (3b).4. Remove the trim.
Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the trim and check the fasteners are secured. Replace if necessary.Fit the lower retaining stud.Fit the lower section of the rear door sealing strip. - 7050A19  rear seat squab - r r - 7050A20  one-piece rear seat cushion - r r