3315262 - 7045J54 reduction mechanism for lifting front part of cushion and sliding front seat, lh or rh, - r r following electrical check
- 7045A10 l/h or r/h front seat
(one) - r+r 1. Cut connection collar (1a) and disconnect lift and slide motor
electrical connections (1b).2. Unscrew fastenings securing the drive gear unit to the guide
and the guide to the seat frame.3. Take off the retaining ring on the vertical slide pin.4. Remove guide/plate assembly (4a) together with motor/drive gear
unit (4b) by withdrawing idler shaft (4c) from control shaft (4d).
Place the motor/drive gear
unit on a work bench.1. Use a rubber mallet to remove the pinion from the control unit.2. Unscrew bolts (2a) and remove motors (2b) from the drive gear
Check the motors and drive
gear are in good condition.Fit the motor and tighten the retaining
bolts.Fit the idler shaft.Position the control/motor assembly, then
fit the plate/guide assembly and drive home using the rubber mallet.Tighten the fastenings securing the drive
gear unit to the guide and the guide to the seat frame.Fit a seeger to the vertical slide pin.Fit a new collar and connect the motor
supply connectors.Check the unit is working properly using
an appropriate electrical supply system.- 7045A10 l/h or r/h front seat (one) - r+r