3314501 - 2130A04 Automatic transmission FLUID - Check level and top up, .if necessary (Automatic transmission)

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp.Connect the diagnostic instrument (Examiner or SDC) to the car's diagnostic socket and check that the temperature of the automatic transmission fluid is no higher than 30° C.If the fluid temperature is much higher than 30 ° C, wait for it to cool down.Move the gear control lever to the "P" position.Start the engine and run it at idle speed. - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . 1. Undo the fluid filler plug on the automatic transmission differential.
Wait for the transmission fluid to reach 40 ± 5° C, ascertained by the diagnostic instrument. Check that a flow of a few drops or a fine stream of fluid emerges from the fluid filler hole on the differential half-case.If no fluid comes out of the filler hole, top up as described below.Check using the diagnostic instrument that the temperature of the automatic transmission fluid is no more than 30° C.If the fluid temperature is much higher than 30 ° C, wait for it to cool down.Top up with the recommended fluid through the filler hole, until fluid flows abundantly from the hole.
This operation should be carried out using a syringe or plastic pump.
Wait for the transmission fluid to reach 40 ± 5° C, ascertained by the diagnostic instrument. Check that a flow of a few drops or a fine stream of fluid emerges from the fluid filler hole on the differential half-case. Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the fluid filler plug on the automatic transmission differential and tighten to the specified torque.

-PlugAUTO TRANSMISSION PLUGS-Differential side -
 - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Disconnect and remove the diagnostic instrument.Remove the vehicle from the ramp.