3314522 - 2135B52 electronic automatic transmission electric circuit - r r (Automatic transmission)

Removing ( Refitting ) Make sure that the ignition is in the OFF position, then disconnect the negative battery terminal (refer to op.   5530B10  battery - r+r ).

-Battery  A1 
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the right and left trims (1b).
1. Undo the attachments and move aside the control unit/relay mounting bracket.2. Undo the nuts and withdraw the electronic automatic transmission control unit from its seating.3. Disonnect the electrical connection (3a) and remove the electronic automatic transmission control unit (3b).

3aData not available yet-
Refitting ( Removing ) Connect the electrical connection to the electronic automatic transmission control unit, then refit it in its seating and tighten its nuts.Refit the control unit/relay mounting bracket in its seating and secure it.Fit the right and left trims and secure using the relevant bolts.Connect the negative (-) battery terminal.