3314700 - 4450A10 front wheel geometry - check using optical equipment - includes front wheel tow-in adjustment if necessary

The figure shows the points for measuring dimensions B and A for calculating the alignment.
If the front alignment value is not within recommended values, replace both front suspension springs.
Check the front alignment is within specified levels with the car unladen and all tanks and reservoirs filled.
For this vehicle there is a version with a sport setting for left hand drive versions from chassis no. 46089 and for right hand drive versions from chassis no. 45512 where the alignment value remains unchanged.

-B - A (mm)-96 ± 5
(Unladen vehicle filled with fluids) (-)-
The figure shows the points for measuring dimensions D2 and D1 to calculate the toe-in.
Up to chassis no. 22265, the toe-in values for the front wheels are shown in the table.

-D2 - D1 (mm)-4.0 ± 1
(Unladen vehicle filled with fluids) (-)-
From chassis no. 22266 onwards, the toe-in values for the front wheels are shown in the table.

-D2 - D1 (mm)-2.0 ± 1
(Unladen vehicle filled with fluids) (-)-
If the toe-in value for the front wheel is not within specified limits, adjust it using the steering rods.

-NutADJUSTABLE STEERING LINKS-(Power assisted steering box side) 0.65 ÷ 1.0
The figure shows the angle for measuring the camber.
The non-adjustable front wheel camber values, are shown in the table.
For this vehicle there is a version with a sport setting for left hand drive versions from chassis no. 46089 and for right hand drive versions from chassis no. 45512, where the camber value remains unchanged.

-- (-)23' ± 20?
(Unladen vehicle filled with fluids) (-)-
The non-adjustable front wheel caster values, are shown in the table.

-- (-)3° 09' ± 30?
(Unladen vehicle filled with fluids) (-)-