3315266 - 7045M26 l/h or r/h front seat squab heat pad - r+r following electrical wiring check

Removing ( Refitting ) - 7045A25 squab lumbar knob - r r - 7045A98 front seat rear pouch panel, lh or rh - r r - 7045A10 l/h or r/h front seat (one) - r+r 1. Cut the fasteners from the squab trim lower area.2. Undo the lower trim tensioning link by releasing from the slots on the squab base.3. Withdraw the lower retaining rod from the trim.
1. Pull up plastic sections (1a) from seat frame (1b) retaining the left and right hand side trim. Pull away plastic section (1a) of the upper squab trim section.Take the trim off the front part of the seat.2. Cut the fasteners shown.3. Lift the trim to gain access to the heat pad.
1. Disconnect the heat pad electrical connection from the rear of the seat. Then remove the heat pad.
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Position heat pad (1a) on the squab. Pass lead (1b) through slot (1c) in the padding.
Fit the trim and secure to the front part of the trim using new fasteners.

-Pliers for metal points1.878.017.001
Position the upper trim section.Position the side trim sections.Shape the trim by hand and smooth out any creases.Position the lower section and secure using new fasteners.

-Pliers for metal points1.878.017.001
- 7045A10 l/h or r/h front seat (one) - r+r - 7045A98 front seat rear pouch panel, lh or rh - r r - 7045A25 squab lumbar knob - r r