3314073 - 1028H21 piston with connecting rod - r r

Removing ( Refitting )  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left).  - 7040D30  engine bay front beam cover - r r .  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left).  - 4450B10  Front WHEEL (one) - R.R. (right)  - 7055B39  front additional wheel arch half (one), lh or rh, front element - r r (right).  - 1092G10  single engine belt r r .  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r .  - 1092A12  crankshaft pulley - r+r for versions with air conditioner .  - 1092G20  engine component single belt fixed tensioner - one - r + r .  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r .  - 1008C16  body link bracket - r r .  - 1032B14  toothed timing belt - r + r for timing adjustment or replacement versions with air conditioner .  - 1048B22  air delivery sleeve from heat exchanger to intake manifold - r + r .  - 1016C11  single cylinder head-r r gasket for versions with air conditioner .  - 1076B50  exhaust pipe attachment to engine - r + r .  - 1020A20  crank case oil sump - r + r clean seals for sealant application . 1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the bearing cap (1b) for the cylinder involved.2. Remove the lower big end bearing shell.
1. Remove the connecting rod with the piston.2. Remove the upper big end bearing shell.
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Fit the connecting rod - piston assembly and upper half-bearing (1a) using a suitable tool (1b).
The connecting rod - piston assembly is fitted in the cylinder block/crankcase so that the number stamped on the small end is facing the inlet side.
1. Fit the connecting rod cap (1a) complete with half-bearing (1b) and fix it tightening the bolts (1c) to the recommended torque.
The connecting rod cap is fitted so that the number on it is facing the same way as the one stamped on small end (inlet side).

1cBoltBIG END BEARING CAPSM92.4 ÷ 2.6 + 60?
Use the tool for angular tightening of the connecting rod cap bolts.

 - 1020A20  crank case oil sump - r + r clean seals for sealant application .  - 1076B50  exhaust pipe attachment to engine - r + r .  - 1016C11  single cylinder head-r r gasket for versions with air conditioner .  - 1048B22  air delivery sleeve from heat exchanger to intake manifold - r + r .  - 1032B14  toothed timing belt - r + r for timing adjustment or replacement versions with air conditioner .  - 1008C16  body link bracket - r r .  - 1008C10  power unit upper reaction link r r .  - 1092G20  engine component single belt fixed tensioner - one - r + r .  - 1092A12  crankshaft pulley - r+r for versions with air conditioner .  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r .  - 1092G10  single engine belt r r .  - 7055B39  front additional wheel arch half (one), lh or rh, front element - r r (right).  - 4450B10  Front WHEEL (one) - R.R. (right)  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left).  - 7040D30  engine bay front beam cover - r r .  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left).