3315359 - 1024A10 crank shaft - r + r with engine removed - check main and connecting rod bearingand replace if necessary (Automatic transmission)

Removing ( Refitting )  - 1020D17  engind front cover - r r1. Fit the tool.

2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the flywheel (2b).Remove the tool.

3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the crankcase rear cover (3b) integrated with the oil seal.4. Fit the tool.

Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously until the cylinder concerned is at B.D.C.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod cap (1b).2. Remove the bottom big end bearing shell.Proceed in the same way with removing the connecting rod caps and the half-bearings for the remaining cylinders.3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the bearing caps (3b).4. Remove the lower main journal half-bearings.5. Remove the crankshaft.6. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearings.7. Remove the upper main journal half-bearings.8. Remove the thrust washers for the 4th main journal support.
Refitting ( Removing ) Visually inspect the condition of the main journal and connecting rod half-bearings and, if necessary, replace them.Record the thickness of the main bearing halves.

-Half-bearing thickness (mm)Category B1.839 ÷ 1.843
Category C1.842 ÷ 1.846
Classe A1.836 ÷ 1.840
Record the thickness of the main bearing halves.

-Connecting rod half bearing thickness (mm)Category B1.530 ÷ 1.534
Category C1.533 ÷ 1.537
Classe A1.527 ÷ 1.531
Measure the clearance between main journals and bearing halves and crankpins and bearing halves using Plastic Gauge.The clearance between bearing halves and pins must be within specified values.

-Clearance between crankshaft bearings - Main journals (-)0.025 ÷ 0.052

-Clearance between big end bearings-Crankpins (mm)0.025 ÷ 0.052
If the clearance is not within specified values, replace the main and/or connecting rod bearing halves as indicated in  - 1004E20  engine - dismantle and re-build following operation 1004e10 - wash and check dismantled parts - re-fit cylinder head and oil sump - does not include repairs to cylinder head and auxiliary unit . Fit the upper main journal half-bearings in the cylinder block/crankcase.Fit the upper connecting rod half-bearings on the connecting rods.Fit the crankshaft on the cylinder block/crankcase.Fit the thrust washers on the 4th main journal support.1. Fit the bearing caps.
The bearing caps have progressive references (from zero to four starting from the front of the engine) which define their fitting position.
1. Tighten the main bearing cap bolts (1a) to torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).

1aBoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.4 ÷ 2.6 + 100?

Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously until the cylinder concerned is at B.D.C.Fit the connecting rod cap, complete with half-bearing, and fix it using the bolts without tightening them.
The connecting rod caps are fitted with the number stamped on them facing the same way as the number stamped on the connecting rod (inlet side).
Work in the same way when fitting the connecting rod caps for the remaining cylinders.1. Tighten the bolts (1a) for the big end bearing caps to torque, using the angular tightening tool (1b).

1aBoltM92.4 - 2.6 + 60°

Remove the tool.

1. Fit the crankcase rear cover (1a) with the oil seal integrated using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.820.619.000
2. Tighten the crankcase rear cover bolts to torque.

Remove the tool.

-Fitting tool1.820.619.000
Fit the tool.

Fit the flywheel and tighten the bolts to torque.

-BoltFLYWHEELM1213.6 - 16.8
Remove the tool.

 - 1020D17  engind front cover - r r