3315727 - E6015 ADDITIONAL HEATER - Functional description

Functional description

Additional heater control unit M75 is supplied at pin 1 (connector B) directly from the battery. The earth is taken to pin 2 (connector B) via additional heater relay J36 , switch I20 and relay R1 of junction unit B1 . When relay R1 is energised via the line (INT/A) its contact supplies the coil of additional heater relay J36 via fuse F13 . Control unit M75 receives an earth signal via its contact. Pin 3 of connector A of M75 receives a signal from the appropriate temperature sensor K79 , which measures air temperature within the engine bay. The sensor only works with the engine running; it receives a reference signal from alternator (D+); this signal is low (earth) when the alternator is not turning. The signal becomes high (12 V) and supplies the sensor when the engine is running. Pin 6 of connector A controls additional heater pump N44 , which is earthed through inertia switch I50 . In case of impact, this cuts off the circuit to prevent the danger of fuel emerging. Control unit M75 is equipped with a self-diagnostic system that may be used by connecting the unit to connector R10 through pin 2 of connector A.