3315731 - E6020 AIR CONDITIONING - Functional description (Euro 3)

Functional description

Control unit M70 is supplied when the ignition is turned on (INT/A) at pin 11 of connector B from a line protected by fuse F9 from junction unit B1 . The power supply comes directly from the battery to pin 10 of connector C through fuse F17 of junction unit B1 and a line protected by maxifuse CENTR of B5 . Pin 8 of connector C of M70 is earthed. The exterior temperature sensor is located on left door mirror P60 ; the sensor is connected to pins 1 and 7 of connector A of M70 via left front door junction D30 . Control unit M70 is also connected to sensors K87 (lower treated air), K88 (upper treated air) and K89 (passenger compartment air), which are connected to pins 3-5, 11-12 and 8-13 of connector A of M70 respectively. Sensor K89 is fitted with a fan motor controlled by the ignition so that the temperature reading is not affected by the motionless and thus warmer air inside the dashboard. the motor is connected to the control unit, to pins 10 and 12 of connector B. Solar radiation sensor K90 is connected to pins 6 and 15 of connector A of M70 . The air conditioning system is equipped with three activators for recirculation ( N82 ), air mixing ( N81 ) and air distribution ( N80 ). Recirculation actuator N82 is controlled by control unit M70 , via pins 3 and 4 of connector B. Recirculation actuator N82 is controlled by control unit M70 , via pins 1 and 2 of connector B. Actuator N81 receives a power supply at pins 5 and 3 and a control potentiometer earth signal via pins 20 and 14 of control unit M70 (connector A). Control unit M70 receives a feed-back signal at pin 16 (connector A). Distribution actuator N80 is controlled from control unit M70 via pins 7 and 8 of connector B. Actuator N80 receives power at pins 6 and 4 and an earth signal for the control potentiometer via pins 18 and 2 of control unit M70 (connector A). Control unit M70 receives a feedback signal at pin 17 (connector A). Fan N85 is operated at different speeds by its internal governor; this receives control signals from control unit M70 from pins 2 and 1 (connector C) and converts them into fan control signals. Pin G of fan N85 is connected to reference earth C25 and pin 6 of connector C of M70 supplies a speedometer signal. Fan unit N85 is supplied via relay contact J35 , when ignition control H1 supplies voltage to the INT/A line. Under these conditions, the coil of relay R1 is activated, which closes the contact to supply the coil of relay J35 via fuse F6 . Pin 4 of connector C of M70 receives a speedometer signal from instrument E50 . A heated rear window activation command is transm
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