3314479 - 2110A10 manual gearbox and differential - r + r

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the ramp. Make sure that the ignition is OFF (STOP position), then disconnect the negative battery terminal (refer to op.   5530B10  battery - r+r ).

-Battery  A1B 
 - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left)  - 7040D30  engine bay front beam cover - r r .  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left)  - 4450B12  front or rear wheels (two) - r+r .  - 7055B42  Additional FRONT WHEEL ARCH (one), left or right - R.R. (left).  - 7055B39  front additional wheel arch half (one), lh or rh, front element - r r (right)  - 7055A41  RIGHT FRONT GRILLE - R.R. .  - 7055A43  central front grille - r r .  - 7055B10  Front BUMPER - R.R. . 1. Disconnect the turbocharger air inlet pipe from the flow meter hose.2. Remove the collar fixing the air inlet pipe to the turbocharger and the air filter casing.
 - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r .  - 1076B50  exhaust pipe attachment to engine - r + r . 1. Loosen the band (1a) and remove the lower resonator (1b) after having disconnected it from the button on the turbocharger air inlet pipe.2. Disconnect the turbocharger air inlet pipe from the hose and remove it.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and disconnect the left front driveshaft (1b) from the differential.
The above bolts are treated with eslok anti-slackening material and must therefore be replaced whenever they are removed.
2. Undo the bolt (2a), move the A.B.S. front wheel rpm sensor (2b) and release the cable from the mounting bracket.
1. Release the left front flexible brake pipe and the brake pad wear cable from the bracket.2. Remove the plugs (2a), undo the bolts (2b), remove the spring (2c) and move the left disc brake caliper (2d) complete with pads.
Suitably fix the left front disc brake caliper so that it does not hinder future operations.
1. Undo the nut (1a) and disconnect the left power steering box track rod (1b) from the front wheel vertical link using the tool (1c).

1. Undo the bolt (1a) and remove the mounting bracket (1b) for the left front wheel rpm sensor cable.2. Undo the bolt fixing the left front shock absorber fork.3. Recover the bracket.
1. Undo the bolt fixing the left front shock absorber fork to the lower track control arm.2. Undo the nut (2a) and release the left lower track control arm from the steering knuckle using the tool (2b) without disconnecting it, then fit the nut without tightening it.

1. Position a hydraulic jack under the left front wheel hub steering knuckle.2. Undo the nut (2a) and disconnect the left front upper track control arm from the front steering knuckle using the tool (2b).

1. Lower the hydraulic jack and remove the left front shock absorber fork releasing it from the shock absorber.2. Undo the nut (2a), loosened previously, and remove the left front steering knuckle (2b), complete with brake disc (2c), brake caliper mounting (2d) and driveshaft (2e).
1. Undo the nuts (1a) and remove the left front shock absorber (1b).
1. Disconnect the pipe from the engine oil vapour separator, separator inlet side.2. Undo the nuts (2a) and move the oil vapour separator (2b) away from the air capacity body.3. Recover the bracket.
1. Disconnect the gear engagement/selector cables.2. Undo the nuts (2a) and move the mounting brackets (2b), complete with gear selector/engagement cables.
1. Release the starter motor supply cable from the bands on the differential.2. Undo the upper two starter motor fixing bolts.3. Undo the nuts (3a) and remove the wiring and pipe mounting bracket (3b) from the inlet manifold.
1. Undo the bolts (1a), disconnect the pipes (1b) from the bands (1c) on the mounting bracket.2. Working underneath the vehicle, undo the remaining bolt and remove the pipe mounting bracket.
1. Disconnect the earth cable from the gearbox side rigid power unit mounting.

1Battery earth  C1 
2. Disconnect the electrical connection (2a) from the reversing lights switch and release the wiring from the band (2b).

2aReversing light control  I20 
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and move the clutch operating cylinder (1b), complete with bracket and pipe, aside.
Suitably fix the clutch operating cylinder to the bodyshell so that it does not hinder future operations.
2. Undo the upper two bolts fixing the manual gearbox and differential to the engine.
1. Undo the lower bolt and move the starter motor.2. Undo the nuts (2a) and the bolts (2b) fixing the gearbox and differential to the engine.3. Undo the bolts fixing the manual gearbox differential flange.4. Undo the bolts fixing the intermediate driveshaft to the support.
1. Undo the bolt (1a), move the A.B.S. right front wheel rpm sensor (1b) and release the cable from the mounting bracket.Release the right front flexible brake pipe and the brake pad wear cable from the bracket.2. Undo the nut (2a) and disconnect the right power steering box rod (2b) from the front steering knuckle using the tool (2c).

1. Undo the bolt fixing the right front shock absorber fork to the lower track control arm.
Position a hydraulic jack under the right front wheel hub steering knuckle.1. Undo the nut (1a) and disconnect the right front upper track control arm from the front steering knuckle using the tool (1b).

Lower the hydraulic jack and move the right front suspension assembly backwards until the intermediate driveshaft is disconnected from the differential.
Suitably fix the front steering knuckle so that the brake caliper flexible pipe is not damaged.
1. Loosen the nut fixing the timing side rigid engine support to the flexible mounting.
1. Loosen the nut fixing the rigid power unit rear support to the flexible mounting.
1. Fit the safety supporting brackets for the power unit.

1. Fit the safety tools (1a), (1b) and (1c) for supporting the power unit and connect the rods to the brackets fitted previously.


1bSupport mountings1.870.650.000

1. Undo the bolts fixing the gearbox side rigid power unit support to the manual gearbox.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the gearbox side rigid power unit support (2b), complete with flexible mounting (2c).
1. Fit the tool on a hydraulic jack and fix it to the manual gearbox and differential.

1. Loosen the front bolts on the left hand side fixing the front suspension frame to the bodyshell.
1. Loosen the rear bolts on the left hand side fixing the front suspension frame to the bodyshell.
1. Undo the remaining bolts (1a) and remove the manual gearbox and differential (1b).
 - 1810A24  clutch - r + r with gearbox removed . Refitting ( Removing )  - 1810A24  clutch - r + r with gearbox removed . 1. Lift up the tapered seal (1a) for the clutch release bearing until the spring (1b) is covered.2. Fit the clutch release bearing (2a) on the main shaft and match it with the clutch release fork (2b).
Replace the gearbox and differential in its housing using the hydraulic jack and special tool.

Tighten the nuts and bolts fixing the gearbox and differential to the engine to the recommended torque.

-BoltMANUAL GEARBOXM12Engine side 6.8 - 8.4

-BoltMANUAL GEARBOXM10Engine side 3.7 - 4.5

-NutMANUAL GEARBOXM12Engine side 4.7 - 5.8
Act on the gear control lever to engage the clutch release bearing in the clutch.Undo the bolts and remove the tool from the gearbox.

1. Tighten the left hand side rear bolts fixing the front suspension frame to the bodyshell to the recommended torque.

1Rear boltsFRONT SUSPENSION SUBFRAMEM12(Bodyshell side) 12.4 - 13.7
1. Tighten the left hand side front bolt fixing the front suspension frame to the bodyshell to the recommended torque.

1Front boltsFRONT SUSPENSION SUBFRAMEM12(Bodyshell side) 10.5 -11.6
1. Fit the gearbox side rigid power unit support (1a) complete with flexible mounting (1b) and fix it using the bolts (1c) and (1d).

1cBoltPOWER UNIT GEAR BOX END RIGID MOUNTM10(Gearbox side) 4.3 - 5.3

1dBoltGEARBOX SIDE RUBBER MOUNTM8(Front suspension frame side) 2.4 - 2.9
Remove the safety tools used for supporting the power unit.


-Support mountings1.870.650.000


1. Tighten the nut securing the rigid rear power unit support to the flexible mounting to the recommended torque.

1NutPOWER UNIT RIGID REAR MOUNTM10(Flexible mounting side) 3.8 - 4.7
1. Tighten the nut ecuring the timing side rigid power unit support to the flexible mounting to the recommended torque.

1NutENGINE MOUNT TIMING SIDEM10(Flexible mounting side) 3.8 - 4.7
Replace the right front suspension assembly in its housing until the intermediate driveshaft is connected to the differential.Connect the right front upper track control arm to the front steering knuckle and fix it tightening the nut to the recommended torque.

-NutFRONT SUSPENSION TOP LEVERM10Front hub steering knuckle side 4.3 - 4.7
1. Tighten the bolt fixing the right front shock absorber fork to the lower track control arm.

1BoltFRONT DAMPER FORK ON WISHBONEM12Lower track control arm side 8.6 - 9.5
Connect the right power steering box rod to the front vertical link and fix it tightening the nut to the recommended torque.

-NutADJUSTABLE STEERING LINKSM10(Front wheel hub steering knuckle side) 4.3 ÷ 4.7
Fix the right front flexible brake pipe and brake pad wear cable to the bracket.Replace the A.B.S. right front wheel rpm sensor in its housing and fix it using the bolt.1. Tighten the bolt fixing the intermediate driveshaft to the support to the recommended torque.

1BoltINTERMEDIATE DRIVE SHAFTM8(Support side) 2.6 - 3.2
2. Tighten the bolts fixing the manual gearbox differential flange to the recommended torque.

2BoltMAN G/BOX DIFF SEALING FLANGE/SM8Gearbox side 2.3 - 2.8
3. Replace the starter motor in its housing and fix it tightening the lower bolt to the recommended torque.

3BoltSTARTER MOTORM8Gearbox side 2.3 - 2.8
Replace the bracket complete with clutch operating cylinder and pipe in its housing, then fix it using the bolts.Connect the electrical connection to the reversing lights switch and fix the wiring to the band.Connect the earth cable to the gearbox side rigid power unit mounting.Fit the pipe mounting bracket and fix it using the bolts.1. Fit the wiring and pipe mounting bracket (1a) and fix it with the nuts (1b) to the inlet manifold.2. Tighten the upper two bolts fixing the starter motor to the recommended torque.

2BoltSTARTER MOTORM8Gearbox side 2.3 - 2.8
3. Fix the starter motor supply cable to the bands on the differential.
Replace the two mounting brackets, complete with gear selector/engagement cables in their housing and fix them using the bolts.Connect the gear selector/engagement cables.Replace the oil vapour separator complete with bracket in its housing and fix it using the nuts.Connect the engine oil vapour separator pipe, separator inlet side.1. Fit the left front shock absorber (1a) and fix it tightening the nuts (1b) to the recommended torque.

1bNutFRONT DAMPERM8Bodyshell side 1.8 - 2.0
1. Using a hydraulic jack, replace the left front steering knuckle (1a), complete with brake disc (1b), brake caliper mounting (1c) and driveshaft (1d), in its housing.2. Tighten the nut fixing the lower track control arm to the left front wheel hub steering knuckle to the recommended torque.

2NutFRONT SUSPENSION LOWER LEVERM14Front wheel hub steering knuckle side 8.6 - 9.5
3. Fit the left front shock absorber fork on the shock absorber stem.
1. Raise the left front suspension using the hydraulic jack.2. Connect the left front upper track control arm to the front wheel steering knuckle and fix it tightening the nut to the recommended torque.

2NutFRONT SUSPENSION TOP LEVERM10Front hub steering knuckle side 4.3 - 4.7
3. Tighten the bolt fixing the left front shock absorber fork to the lower track control arm to the recommended torque.

3BoltFRONT DAMPER FORK ON WISHBONEM12Lower track control arm side 8.6 - 9.5
1. Fit the bracket (1a) and tighten the bolt (1b) fixing the left front shock absorber fork to the recommended torque.

1bBoltFRONT DAMPER FORK ON WISHBONEM12Shock absorber side 11.7 - 12.9
2. Fit the left front wheel rpm sensor cable mounting bracket (2a) and fix it using the bolt.
Connect the left power steering box rod to the front steering knuckle and fix it tightening the nut to the recommended torque.

-NutADJUSTABLE STEERING LINKSM10(Front wheel hub steering knuckle side) 4.3 ÷ 4.7
Replace the left front disc brake caliper in its housing and fix it with the spring and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.

Fit the protective caps for the bolts.Fix the left front flexible brake pipe and brake pad wear cable to the bracket.1. Replace the A.B.S. front wheel rpm sensor (1a) in its housing and fix it using the bolt (1b).2. Connect the left front driveshaft (2a) to the differential and fix it tightening the bolts (2b) to the recommended torque.
The above bolts are treated with eslok anti-slackening material and must therefore be replaced whenever they are removed.

2bBoltFRONT DRIVE SHAFT COMPLETE WITH JOINTSM10Differential side 5.2 - 5.8
Fit the turbocharger air inlet pipe and connect it to the hose.Fit the lower resonator, connect it to the hose and fix it using the button. - 1076B50  exhaust pipe attachment to engine - r + r .  - 7055B54  under-engine guard - r r . Fit the collar fixing the air inlet pipe to the turbocharger.Connect the turbocharger air inlet pipe to the hose from the flow meter. - 7055B10  Front BUMPER - R.R. .  - 7055A43  central front grille - r r .  - 7055A41  RIGHT FRONT GRILLE - R.R. .  - 7055B39  front additional wheel arch half (one), lh or rh, front element - r r (right)  - 7055B42  Additional FRONT WHEEL ARCH (one), left or right - R.R. (left).  - 4450B12  front or rear wheels (two) - r+r .  - 7040D14  engine bay rear side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left)  - 7040D30  engine bay front beam cover - r r .  - 7040D12  engine front side cover (one) lh or rh - r r (right and left) Connect the battery terminal (-).Remove the car from the ramp.