3314921 - 5570T28 ecu for car radio aerial in rear window heater element - r+r

Removing ( Refitting ) Make sure that the ignition is in the OFF position, then disconnect the negative battery terminal (refer to op.   5530B10  battery - r+r ).

-Battery  A1 
 - 7050A20  one-piece rear seat cushion - r r .  - 7050A19  rear seat squab - r r . - 7050A42 rear squab catch device (one) - r+r (left). 1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the radio aerial control unit in the heated rear window.2. Disconnect the aerial cable from the radio aerial control unit in the heated rear window.3. Undo the nuts (3a) and remove the radio aerial control unit in the heated rear window (3b).
Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the radio aerial control unit in the heated rear window and secure it with its nuts.Connect the aerial cable to the radio aerial control unit in the heated rear window.Connect the electrical connections to the radio aerial control unit in the heated rear window.- 7050A42 rear squab catch device (one) - r+r (left).  - 7050A19  rear seat squab - r r .  - 7050A20  one-piece rear seat cushion - r r . Connect the negative (-) battery terminal.