3315320 - 7065C38 l/h or r/h rear window sun blind (one) - r+r

Removing ( Refitting )  - 7050A20  one-piece rear seat cushion - r r - 7050A19  rear seat squab - r r - 7040H42  rear pillar trim - r r - 7040H84  parcel rack plus speaker - r r1. Unscrew both side bolts retaining the blind roller to the parcel rack.2. Unscrew retaining bolts (2a) and remove bracket (2b).3. Remove the roller from the parcel rack.
Refitting ( Removing ) Refit the roller to the parcel rack.Tighten the bracket retaining bolts.Tighten both side bolts retaining the blind roller to the parcel rack.Check that the sun blind rolls smoothly on the roller. - 7040H84  parcel rack plus speaker - r r - 7050A20  one-piece rear seat cushion - r r - 7050A19  rear seat squab - r r - 7040H42  rear pillar trim - r r