2751627 - E7010 CODE - Description


The CODE (or immobilizer) system prevents the starting of the engine, preventing the operation of the engine control unit, by recognising the mechanical key at the time of starting.At each start-up, when the ignition is turned on, the body computer node (which integrates the Fiat CODE system), sends to the engine control unit a recognition code to de-activate the block on functions. The recognition code, crypted and varying from among over four thousand million possible combinations, is only sent if in turn the system's control unit has recognised, via an aerial which is wrapped around the ignition switch, the code transmitted by the key.When the electrical devices are switched on, the CODE system identifies the key via the transponder contained in the key: if the transponder's secret code corresponds to one of those accepted by the car (up to 8 available keys), the CODE system enables engine starting.If there is a fault on the CODE system and the recognition of the transponder key has had a negative result, the CODE warning light (or message on the display) remains on.However, an emergency manoeuvre can be carried out, which allows the engine to be started after introduction of the ELECTRONIC CODE present on the CODE CARD in the customer's possession.The code is entered by a sequence of presses of the accelerator pedal ('gas pedal' procedure).