169000025 - 5580P CONNECT PANEL


Dimensions: 2DIN box with front panel

Modules included:

  • Radio
  • CD player - Audio + CD - MP3 ROM
  • GPS navigation system module
  • GSM phone module
  • Independent navigation with maps
  • Independent navigation with maps
  • Assistance services
  • 256 colour 6.5" TFT display
  • External CD CHANGER system (if present)
  • Built-in voice recognition module
  • WAP protocol

Internal modules

The system modules or the modules to which the system can be connected for obtaining information or requesting services are different.Cd rom playerCONNECT is equipped with a CD ROM player that is able to read and manage CD ROMs and audio CDs. The Audio media may be normal commercial audio CDs or CD ROMs containing files in MP3 format (all levels). Other acceptable ROM media include official Marelli media that contain an updated copy of the CONNECT management software and also the map database required for navigation.Cd changerCONNECT is also designed to be connected to an external CD Changer and to accept analogue audio output.Gsm moduleThe CONNECT system is equipped with a GSM Dual Band module and micro format SIM Card reader (that allows the user the insert a SIM Card). There is also an external microphone (for hands free use and voice recognition) and preparation for the connection of a hand set.Radio - cd module

General specifications:

  • Music audio power: 4x35W
  • 5 band graphic equalizer
  • Easy to manage menu for the adjustment of the radio settings and any external interfaces (CD-Changer)
  • Remote control from the steering wheel
  • Possibility of interface with external CD-Changer via ASCI-BUS line.
  • Volume control according to the speed (via CAN)
  • If a voice recognition module is fitted, several of the commands can be voice-activated.

Radio specifications:

  • RDS
  • RDS - TMC (Traffic Message Channel)
  • EON (Enhanced Other Network)
  • TA (Traffic Announcements)
  • Tuning on the following bands: USW (87.5- 108 MHz) (FM), MW (153- 279 kHz) (AM), LW (531- 1602 kHz) (AM)
  • Possibility of programming: 24 FM stations (including 6 stored by autostore), 6 MW stations, 6 LW stations, 6 stations that can stored by autostore on the MWST band.
  • 2 scan modes (short lislten to a station and automatic transfer to the next): Scan on the frequency band used; Scan of stored stations.
  • Possibility of selecting programmes via PTY (on FM bands only).
  • Local/Distant setting.

Audio specifications:

  • Bass
  • Balance
  • Fader
  • Loudness
  • Treble
  • HI-FI system active control
  • 5 equalizing curves: BEST (manufacturer''s equalizing data) Rock, Jazz, Classical, MANUAL (can be set using 5 band graphic equalizer)
  • Soft mute.

CD specifications:

  • Motorized loading and ejection
  • TPM function (Track Program Memory)
  • Shuffle function
  • Repeat
  • Skip
  • Pause
  • Compression: activates the CD noise dynamic reduction circuit
  • CD Naming: CD identification (max 30, including CDC).

MP3 CD specifications:

  • Play List function (such as TPM for Audio CD)
  • Functions associated with the Play List: Scan, Repeat (one or all tracks), Pause, Skip
  • Maximum number of MP3 tracks considered for each CD: 999 (if the number of MP3 files contained in the CD ROM is higher than this limit, only the first 999 will be considered).
  • Compression: activates the CD noise dynamic reduction circuit.

CD Changer specifications

  • Scan function
  • Repeat track or entire cartridge function
  • Shuffle CD or shuffle all function (one CD or all CDs)
  • CD Naming:
  • Compression: activates the CD noise dynamic reduction circuit
  • Management of controls from steering wheel
  • The audio module can be managed by the buttons on the steering wheel.

Management of controls from steering wheel

  • The audio module can be managed by the buttons on the steering wheel.

System activation

The CONNECT system may be activated in two different modes:

  • Automatic activation with the ignition key ON
  • Manual activation by means of ON button
  • Emergency manual activation by means of SOS button
Automatic activationWhen the ignition key is turned to MAR position, the CONNECT system turns on automatically to make all the functions described in this chapter active or enabled.Manual activation

With the ignition key in STOP position, the CONNECT system comes on when the ON button is pressed to make the following modes available:

  • MAIN
  • NAV
  • TEL
  • SOS and SERVICE (Targasys)
In this mode, the SETUP and TRIP modules can be activated but it is not possible to validate any parameter change, language change or measurement unit change or any other type of adjustment envisaged by the CONNECT system. These limitations are normal when the system is activated by means of the ON button. When the vehicle is not running (key OFF), the data transmission devices inside the vehicle are not operational. When ignition key is turned ON, the system begins to work.

System deactivation

The CONNECT system may be activated in two different modes:

  • deactivation independent of the ignition key
  • deactivation dependent on the ignition key
To choose the deactivation mode, see the Power OFF submenu in the SEPUP menu.Deactivation independent of the ignition keyWhen this mode is active, the CONNECT system may be turned off by pressing the ON button.The display shows the message DEACTIVATION PROCEDURE IN PROGRESS, WAIT A FEW MOMENTS.
With the ignition key OFF, the system deactivates with a delay of 20 minutes if a system destination has been set or if a phone conversation is in progress.
Deactivation dependent on the ignition keyWhen this mode is active, the CONNECT system may be turned off by turning the ignition key to STOP.

Languages available

The following languages are available for both strings of displayed text (menus) and navigation voice messages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.The voice recognition unit language may be set independently of the menu and navigation message language. The same languages are available.


Front view


Key to pushbuttons

There are 28 buttons and two rotary selectors (a wheel and a pushbutton) on the front panel of the CONNECT.Some keys perform multiple functions that depend on the system operating conditions active at that time.Activation of the selected function is controlled, in some cases, by the length of time for which the button is pressed (short or long push) as described in the following table.
KeyShort press on key (less than 2 second)Prolonged press on key (longer than 2 seconds)
1Activation or interruption of the Voice Recognition functionActivation or interruption of the Voice Recognition function. Activation of the Voice Memo function, this can be interrupted by a further short or long press on the button
2Choice of audio source:FM1/2/3/AST –MW/LW/AMAST – CD – CDC-
3- Send the selected phone call- Reselect the last number dialled and then press the key with 5 seconds to send a call to the number- Accept incoming phone call- Refuse incoming phone call- Stop dialling a new phone number- Interrupt a phone call already in progress
4Activate TRIP on-board computer mode-
5Radio mode: search for the first radio station at a lower frequencyCD mode: select the previous track.MP3 mode: select the previous track.Radio mode: activate scanning function for lower frequencies, station scanning will stop at the first station with an audible signal.CD mode: select the previous track.MP3 mode: move to the previous 10 tracks or the previous folder.
6Radio mode: search for the first radio station at a higher frequencyCD mode: select the next track.MP3 mode: select the next track.Radio mode: activate scanning function for higher frequencies, station scanning will stop at the first station with an audible signal.CD mode: select the next track.MP3 mode: move to the next 10 tracks or the next folder.
7CD housing-
8Eject navigation CD-ROM or audio CD-
9Play/stop for CD/CDCPause for CD/CDC
10SIM CARD housing eject key-
11SIM CARD housing-
12Activate SOS mode (assistance functions and services)-
13Targasys mode activation-
14Exit from a selection menu or leave a submenu of a higher menu-
15Knob for selecting the required function. Press to confirm-
16Multifunction key. Function depends on active mode.The function is always identified by graphic buttons that appear on the display. In some cases, the graphic button area may cover one or more adjacent multifunction keys: the function of the keys under this area is the same-
17Knob for adjusting volume level. Press to turn the system on/off-
18Activate navigation modeActivate/deactivate the MUTE function for navigation information
19Activate phone modePhone on/off
20Activate Audio modeActivate/deactivate the MUTE function for audio sources
21Activate Main modeDark mode: The display is darkened completely.The display is lit again by pressing the MAIN, TEL, SOS buttons or by receiving a phone call


The following modules become available when the system is turned on:

  • NAV
  • TEL
  • TRIP
The upper status bar displays the current time, GPS and GSM signal intensity, date (day, month, year), outdoor temperature and current operating mode (e.g. MAIN).

The dedicated phone module window includes:

  • network provider
  • an envelope icon that indicates an unread text message;
  • an arrow icon to indicate that call transfer is active

The audio source window includes:

  • in Radio mode: the current station band, frequency and RDS message.
  • In CD/MP3/CDC mode: display of the active source CD or CD1-10 or MP3, track or MP3 file number playing and playing time.
The Trip window supplies various information items: e.g. average speed and range or (by turning the appropriate knob) journey time and average fuel consumption.The screen shows a map at the same scale used on the navigation system displayGraphic buttons that appear on the lower part of the display are activated by multifunction keys located below them.

Code activation and recognition procedure

The Connect (NIT) includes an ANTITHEFT function that prevents it operating in the case of theft.The NIT is installed during producition and connnected to the CAN network in order to establish communication with the Body Computer and store an antitheft code known as the Exchange Code.At each subsequent Key On (and even if the battery is disconnected), an automatic authentication procedure is repeated: if the Exchange Code check is positive, the system begins to operate. If the codes compared are not the same, a message appears on
... DATA ERROR - CROPPED TEXT | Ошибка данных - Текст обрезан ...
Last number functionsThe module is able to store the last 10 numbers called to help the user with repeat calls.Sms message functions

The module manages text messages for the user and also from the Service Provider. It is therefore possibile:

  • to display received messages that have not yet been read (full list or selected message).
  • to display received messages that have been read or saved (full list or selected message).
  • save a received message.
  • delete a message (recently received or already saved).
  • send a message to a particular number entered by the user.
  • set up the Service Provider number for text messages.
Gsm status display functions

It is possible to obtain information on:

  • aerial signal quality
  • network operator''s name
  • presence of text messages received but not yet read.
Configuration functions"Call divert": incoming calls can be diverted to another phone number, specifying the type (Voice, Data..)Network operater management: the module manages network operator selection (manual or automatic search) and also the user of a list of preferred operators (display, delete, input and overwrite functions).Security: use of PIN code, PUK, display number of PIN input attempts remaining before PUK code requested, change PIN code.Access to a WAP site requires data to be loaded into the memory (in technical terms: loading of the deck) and the first page (card) is not displayed until the end of the operation. The central part of the screen shows the text, links and selection/input options. The right side of the display shows the software keys (Vertical softkey) that are used to activate the possible card actions (max 6, usually in English).For example, the following functions may be shown:

For example, the following functions may be shown:

  • Next, Help, Back: key presence, number and functions depends on card content.
  • The softkey "Card list" allows direct access to a card in the deck that has been loaded.

The lower bar shows browser functions that can be activated by means of the reconfigurable keys, described below:

  • “Home”: access to the page set up as Home.
  • "Previous": shows the previous card.
  • “GO”: access to the specified page (insert address or bookmark).
  • "In phonebook": saves the current address in the user bookmark file.
  • cursor up, cursor down: up/down to scroll within a text window. If the card cannot be displayed in a single screen (the position in the page is displayed by the scroll bar on the left).
An hourglass is shown when data is loading.ELEMENT SELECTIONTo highlight/select active elements (link, selections, input, softkeys) in the card, use the selection knob to the left (rotate). Only the items shown on the screen can be highlighted. If a card takes up more than one screen, the scroll up/down options will be active in the lower bar.CARD SELECTIONOne of the cards in the loaded deck may be selected directly.A WAP site may be accessed by specifying the address or selecting it from the list of bookmarks (if this operation is allowed by the Provider).Phonebook.The address of the WAP site may be stored in the phonebook (bookmarks) and associated with a name if required. The address is stored when the OK key is pressed.

Procedure for general use

Before the phone module can be used, the user must enter a PIN security code whenever the CONNECT system is turned on after being turned off (unless "exclude PIN request" has been set under Settings). Unless the PIN code is entered, the system can be used only for emergency calls (112 in Italy) and not normal user calls or for the Service Call function.If an incorrect PIN is entered three times, the module is bound to request the PUK code to release the block.Management of controls from steering wheelThe phone module can be partly controlled by the buttons on the steering wheel.Audio status repetition on the control panel displayThe CONNECT module sends various information to the control panel via the CAN network on phone section operating status.

Voice recognition

Voice recognition module with speaker dependent functions (Phonebook, Navigation address book, Radio Station memory) and speaker independent functions for Radio, CD, CDC, Phone and Services, Navigation System. The speaker dependent function allows a voice command (prerecorded by the user) to be associated with a phone number in the phonebook, a stored radio station or a destination present in the destination list (personal).The speaker independent functions allow the activation of general controls (e.g.: "Radio Autostore", "CD play", "Navigatore Zoom", ...).Voice commandAfter pressing the VR key, the user can speak a voice command. The module compares the sample with those present in its memory and, if recognised, allows the relevant command to be activated (call one fo the phone numbers in the phonebook, select one of the preset stations as an audio source, start the autostore procedure for the radio stations in the current band, change to CD source, etc...) The system guides the user using voice information (Example - After pressing the VR key, the user says: "Call number" and the Connect responds: "Number please").Speaker dependent functionsRECORDING RADIO VOICE COMMAND: When storing a radio station in one of the positions available in the radio bands (FM1, FM2, FM3….), the user can associate it with a voice command. Upon the user''s request, this gives rise to an initialisation stage when the module asks for a voice command to be entered and repeated and then confirms recording.RECORDING PHONE (NAVIGATION SYSTEM) VOICE COMMAND: When entering a number and associated name in the phone book the user can associate a voice command with this item in the same way as with the radio stations.RECORDING NAVIGATION SYSTEM VOICE COMMAND: When entering a destination in the navigation system address book the user can associate a voice command with this item in the same way as with the radio stations.DELETING A VOICE COMMAND: The voice commands described above may be deleted or modified.Speaker independent functionsThe system does not require an initialisation stage to use this function (i.e. recording of voice samples by the user). Although the terminology has been designed to include commonly used phrases, it is nevertheless advisable to read the keyword table in the Connect User Handbook. As an example, the keywords for the CD player are given below.LANGUAGES AVAILABLE: The following languages are availalbe for requests and communication with the user: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and European Portuguese.Record voice messagesThis module, known as the Voice Memo, allows the user to record and re-enter voice messages up to 3 minutes long. The messages are recorded sequentially in the frame and a warning message is displayed if the memory contains messages.Recording: the recording activated by the user can last up to 3 minutes and terminates automatically when the available time is up. The user can interrupt the recording manually in any case.Voice memo

The following functions are available:

  • Play: plays the message
  • Stop : interrupts playback or recording
  • SKIP : skips to the next message
  • SKIP : skips to the previous message
  • Record: Starts recording
  • Delete: clears the message memory (individual frames cannot be deleted).


Once the phone module is activated, it is always possible to make emergency calls to 112 regardless of whether a SIM card is present or a PIN has been entered.When the Telephone module has been activated and no valid SIM card has been inserted, a warning message appears on the screen.Insertion of a valid SIM card makes the phone operational and gives access to its functions.The card must be inserted in its seat with the chip at the front and to the right in relation to the car''s direction of motion.Correct SIM card insertion activates a request to enter the PIN code, as shown in the following figure.
Extraction of the SIM card with the phone active may give rise to temporary malfunction. In this case, turn off the phone by means of a long press on the TEL key or turn off Connect using the ON button before removing the SIM card.
After entering a valid PIN code, the following screen appears. The user can display the phone number to be called on the left part of the display.The lower part shows icons with numbers from 0 to 9 and the “ */+ “ and “ # “ symbols found on a normal phone keypad.

A menu with these items appears on the right side of the display:

  • WAP
1 - Other menus2 - Frequent numbers3 - Last numbers received4 - Last numbers called5 - Address book6 - Wap7 - Voice memo

The Telephone Module functions are the same as for a mobile phone, i.e. in addition to PIN code input/update and emergency calls without a SIM card, the following are also available:

  • call-up of phone numbers saved on the SIM card
  • input of a new phone number on the SIM card
  • deletion of a phone number from the SIM card
  • information on SIM card status (correct or incorrect input)
  • list of the last 10 numbers dialled
  • list of the last 10 calls received
  • text messages
  • DTMF settings
  • select network access provider
  • set incoming call volume
  • display remaining credit in the case of prepaid SIM cards
  • display signal field intensity and other status reports by means of icons and messages
Incoming callsWhichever Connect system mode is active, when a phone call is received, a dialogue box appears over the current display window as shown in the following figure.
To accept the call, give the key with the handset symbol a short pressTo end the call, give the key with the handset symbol a short pressTo refuse the call, give the key with the handset symbol a long pressOutgoing callsTo make a call, go into Telephone mode (TEL key), dial the required user number using the 12 letter/number keys at the bottom. To use an international prefix ("+" character), give the "0" key a long press.After dialling the required phone number, give the key with the "handset" symbol a short press.Wap modeThe term WAP stands for: WIRELESS APPLICATION PROTOCOL.WAP technology makes it possible to access the Internet using a mobile phone when no computer is available.WAP browsing is relatively similar to conventional browsing on the PC but the same performance cannot be expected as with PC Internet access and an ADSL (“Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line”: a technique that allows data to be transferred at high speed over normal phone lines using special Modems) because the graphics are very poor with WAP and the information is reduced to the essentials.Because WAP technology is specific, mobile phones cannot be used to access ordinary WEB sites as with a PC.The Internet supports WEB pages produced with language such as HTML (“Hyper Text Markup Language”: the international language of electronic texts - hypertexts) that are displayed on a PC by means of BROWSERS (Navigators, such as: NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR, INTERNET EXPLORER, etc…).WAP is based on a different language: WML (Wireless Markup Language) with its own Script (another word for Program. usually indicates a program written in a particular language to perform tasks connected with the operating system) with its own image formats and also requiring its own , BROWSER or MICRO- BROWSER to display WEB pages.These BROWSERS are built into the latest WAP mobile phones: if you enter the required settings (indicated below), you are able to access the required WAP sites.For WAP phones, addresses are also in “ HTTP:// ”; the format used for the WEB.WAP pages are located on an HTTP Server and their technical operation is as follows: when a WAP address is entered on the display of a mobile phone, the phone forwards an HTTP request for a WML page resident on a WEB Server.The request is received over the GSM network by the WAP GATEWAY that forwards it to the WEB Server by means of a coding/decoding procedure.At this point, the requested page returns to the WAP GATEWAY that codes/decodes it to route it to the mobile phone that originated the request.This is what happens when the requested content is already in WML format (for mobile phones).The requested pages are often in HTML format (for PC). In this case, the WAP GATEWAY acts as a HTML - WML translator in real time.
In the case of complex sites with lots of graphics, the result on the mobile display could be illegible.
Text messagesIn TEL mode, the user can access the OTHER MENUS screen from the main menu and then select the text message service (Short Message Service - SMS) that allows the reading and sending of short messages up to 160 characters via the GSM phone.
Refer to the Owner''s Handbook for user instructions.
Remember that to user the text message service, you need to enter the Phone Number of the Service Centre of the Service Provider that the user intends to use.To set the service centre phone number, select the following from the text message (SMS) menu: "Centre number".Dial the Service Centre telephone number using the multifunction keys (the service centre phone number is supplied by the user''s SIM card network provider).

When in OTHER MENUS, select

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