2753120 - 7015A14 tailgate - adjust centring and profile - includes hinge and compartment seal adaptation

Lift the tailgate.1. If necessary, adjust the buffers (1a) and the position of the lock striker (1b) as described in the procedure: Refer to op.. 7015A10  tailgate - adjust striker and adapt seal if necessary
If the adjustments described above are insufficient, adjust the tailgate hinge position as described below.1. Loosen the tailgate nuts and adjust the tailgate position, using the slotted holes on the hinges.
Permitted adjustment movements are indicated by arrows.
Tighten the nuts fixing the tailgate to the recommended torque.

If necessary, adjust the position of the lock striker as described in the procedure: Refer to op.. 7015A10  tailgate - adjust striker and adapt seal if necessaryIf this adjustment is not sufficient, proceed as follows:Remove the roof lining as described in the procedure: Refer to op.. 7040H10  roof panel lining - r r2. Loosen the hinge fixing bolts.Adjust the position of the tailgate.
Permitted adjustment movements are indicated by arrows.
Tighten the hinge retaining bolts to the specified torque.

If necessary, touch up the paintwork in the hinge area.If necessary, adjust the position of the lock striker as described in the procedure: Refer to op.. 7015A10  tailgate - adjust striker and adapt seal if necessary
Fit the roof lining as described in the procedure: Refer to op.. 7040H10  roof panel lining - r r