Operational description

The command for switching on the rear fog lamp is given by the special switch in the control panel H090.Body computer node M001 receives a negative signal ( with reference to earth C020 connector B) at pin 7 connector L.

The rear fog lamp is turned on under the following conditions:

Earth C020 is secured to the passenger compartment floor and is positioned near the right front wheel arch (footwell area).
Having received the signal and verified the conditions described above, the body computer node supplies the rear fog lamp housed in the right rear light cluster F030 A from pin 13 connector F.The left rear light cluster F030 A has a reference earth C030, secured to the left rear wheel arch (passenger compartment interior).

The body computer node monitors the correct operation of the lights system signalling any failure by switching on the "lighting failure" warning light in the instrument panel E050 in the following circumstances:

  • open load;
  • short circuit to earth;
  • short circuit to + battery.
The body computer node communicates from pins 35, 36 of connector I via the CAN network with instrument panel E050 (for more details,see wiring diagram E1050), to turn on the "rear fog lamp" warning light.