IT IS MANDATORY for the following instructions to be observed during any interventions on vehicles fitted with safety system with Air Bags.

Preliminary instructions

Remember that Air Bag modules must be handled with caution. The use, transport and storage of these components are governed by following procedures concerning their handling.

Before commencing bodywork repairs, welding jobs or tasks for which the Air Bag modules or control unit need to be removed, it is necessary to:

  • Remove the ignition key from the ignition switch.
  • Always disconnect the battery, i.e. disconnect the two leads and insulate them carefully with tape.
  • Wait at least 10 minutes after disconnecting the battery, then disconnect the control unit electrical connection.
Place the devices with the cover facing upwards in a locked metal cupboard. This cupboard, allocated exclusively to this purpose, must not, under any circumstances, be used for storing other kinds of materials, especially if flammable. The cupboard must meet the requirements for housing pyrotechnic charges (impact-resistant metal cupboard with grille to allow natural internal ventilation), and must have the signs stipulated by current legal regulations (DANGER EXPLOSIVES - DO NOT USE NAKED FLAMES - NOT TO BE OPENED BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS).All the connectors used and wired on the Air Bag modules contain a short circuit clip. Unless the Air Bag modules are connected to a power source of suitable characteristics, there is no possibility of the units being activated accidentally.
It is forbidden to carry out continuity measurements on the system components unless the modules have been replaced with special simulation resistances first.
A component of the system which has not been activated in a crash should be considered still to be ''active''. Unexploded components components which have to be removed from the vehicle (because they are faulty, their expiry date has been reached or for other reasons) must be returned to the special centre by means of the following procedure.
Components of the safety system must be fitted and removed ONLY by skilled and authorized technical staff. The failure to observe the instructions below could lead to the accidental activation of the system, personal injury or unnecessary repairs on the system. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISMANTLE THE AIR BAG MODULES INTO THEIR COMPONENTS.
All the system''s components have been designed specially for a specific make and model of car, so the Air Bags cannot be adapted, reused or installed on cars other than those for which they have been designed and manufactured.
Any attempt to reuse, adapt or install them on a different type of car could cause serious or fatal injury to the occupants of the car in the event of a crash.

Interventions on the system''s components

At the end of any intervention on the system, the system must be checked with the EXAMINER or other diagnostic instruments.Module lifeThe system pyrotechnic components last different lengths of time.

They should therefore be replaced in accordance with the following deadlines:

  • Airbag modules: 14 years
  • Clock spring: 10 years
  • Pretensioner: 10 years
Replacement of air bag modules (because of a fault or expiry of the guarantee period)

If an Air Bag module is replaced because of a fault or expiry of the guarantee period, it is necessary to:

  • Detach the removable part of the adhesive label from the new module and put it in a specific file recording the vehicle details (model, registration data, chassis no.) and the serial no. of the old module. This file should be kept for future checks.
  • A new adhesive label is supplied together with the module which should be stuck on top of the existing one which is either located on the driver''s side (on the door or the centre pillar) on on the oddments compartment on the passenger side. It must be perforated first at the month 14 years after the year in which the module is fitted (e.g. 2017 corresponds to 2003).
Similarly, if a clock spring or a pretensioner is being replaced, it should be remembered that the recommended life of these components is 10 years.Replacing control unitThe electronic control unit MUST ALWAYS be replaced in the event of a crash which leads to the activation of the complete system (Air Bags and pretensioners).Even if the control unit is replaced, the removable part of the adhesive label should be detached and put in the file described above.Replacing clock springThe clock spring for connecting the driver''s Air Bag comprises a device which automatically prevents its rotation when the steering wheel is removed. This is to stop the top plate, no longer attached to the steering wheel, from rotating freely and so accidentally winding or unwinding the cables, which might then break. The device is automatically unlocked when the steering wheel is refitted.In the case of replacement, if the new clock spring is supplied separately from the stalk unit, it must be installed with the vehicle''s wheels straight, as this is the position for the new device. The new device has a safety tab which keeps it locked.This tab must be removed when the steering wheel is installed, in order to allow the system to rotate correctly.

Paint jobs

There are no special safety provisions to be observed for paint jobs followed by oven drying, as the modules in particular are designed not to suffer damage if the external surfaces of the vehicle are heated up by normal paint drying systems.Do not use naked flames near the modules.However, all the electronic control units (including the Air Bag control unit) should be removed if their temperature in certain environments could reach or exceed 85°C.

Interventions after a crash

If any component of the safety system is damaged following a crash, it MUST be replaced.Do not attempt to repair the control unit, clock spring or Air Bag modules.Crashes with or without activation of the air bags

Some components of the system should be inspected both if the system has been activated and if it has NOT been activated. These components are the:

  • Steering column;
  • Steering column mountings;
  • Attachment area for electronic control unit and modules;
  • Clock spring;
  • Dashboard (in the area of the passenger''s Air Bag module).
Components must be replaced if they are twisted, broken or bent.Crashes with activation of the air bagsSome components of the system must be replaced if the vehicle has sustained a front-end crash involving the total or partial activation of the system.

In the case of partial activation (pretensioners, Side Bag or Head Bag only) these components are:

  • Pretensioners, Side Bag or Head Bag
  • Electronic control unit (only after the third activation for the pretensioners, Side Bag or Head Bag).

In the case of total activation (Air Bag, Side Bag, Head Bag and pretensioners), these components are:

  • Front Air Bag modules.
  • Pretensioners, Side Bag or Head Bag
  • Electronic control unit
The wiring and connectors should be inspected for signs of burning, melting of the outer insulation or damage caused by excessive heat.If there are any signs of damage on the clock spring or in the area of attachment of the electronic control unit and Air Bag modules, the damaged components must be replaced.

Health risks

The precautions to be observed when handling activated Air Bag modules are as follows:

  • wear polyethylene protective gloves and safety goggles;
  • after touching primed Air Bas, wash your hands and exposed parts of your body with soap and water.
Effects of over-exposureThere is no potential risk of exposure to the propellents, as the system is fully sealed.The propellent mixture is in the solid state, so inhalation is impossible even if the gas generator cartridge breaks.If the gas leaks out, there is no risk to human health.Nevertheless avoid contact with the skin and do not swallow the propellent.

In case of:

  • Contact with the skin: wash immediately with soap and water.
  • Contact with the eyes: rinse the eyes immediately in running water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Inhalation: bring the victim out into the open air immediately.
  • Swallowing: induce vomiting if the person is conscious.
Always seek medical advice in all these conditions.


Under normal conditions, the driver''s and passenger''s Air Bags are activated by the action of the electronic ignition command during a crash. The gases which develop under these conditions are not toxic.It is mandatory for staff who are carrying out interventions on a device fitted to a vehicle to observe the safety instructions listed below.

Staff intervening on the devices must be properly trained and must observe the following precautions:

  • During removal and replacement of open (exploded) Air Bags, handle only one module at a time and wear gloves and goggles during removal.
  • Always rest the Air Bag module with the opening flap and pre-cut break groove facing upwards. Never put anything on top of the flap.
  • At the end of operations, wash your hands thoroughly in soap and water, and if the residual powders of the device come into contact with your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water.
  • On all versions fitted with Air Bags, operators must not work from the front seats without first rendering the system inoperative by disconnecting the two battery leads and waiting 10 minutes.
  • The metal components of an Air Bag which has just exploded are very hot. Avoid touching these components for 20 minutes after activation of the Air Bag.
  • Do not carry out repairs on Air Bag modules. Return all faulty modules to the supplier.
  • Do not subject the Air Bag module to heat )for example during welding, hammering, drilling, machining, etc.);
  • Never install in a vehicle Air Bags which have been dropped or which show signs of any kind of damage.
It is not permitted to store Air Bag modules together with flammable or combustible material.The gas generators must not come into contact with acids, greases or heavy metals; contact with such substances can cause poisonous or harmful gases or explosive compounds to form.If stored, replacement parts must be kept in their original packaging and their temporary storage must follow the same procedure as for a non-activated Air Bag module removed from the vehicle, i.e. a specifically-allocated locked metal cupboard must be used (metal impact-resistant cupboard with grille to allow natural internal ventilation). The cupboard must have specific warning signs (DANGER EXPLOSIVES - DO NOT USE NAKED FLAMES - NOT TO BE OPENED BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS).


The Air Bag modules fitted to the vehicle must not be demolished with the car, but should first be removed.The Air Bag units must not be scrapped unless they have already been activated.If, during an accident, the Air Bag module has not been activated, the device must still be considered to be charged.All unexploded material MUST NOT BE ACTIVATED, but must be sent to a specialized centre with the following words on the goods delivery note: ''AIR BAG DEVICE CONTAINING PYROTECHNIC CHARGE TO BE DEACTIVATED''.Current local regulations must be observed in any case.The devices must, without fail, be shipped in the same packaging in which the spare parts are received, and if this is not available, the packaging by itself may be obtained from PARTS.Obviously if Air Bags are replaced, the original packaging should be kept undamaged, ready for shipping the non-activated device.
If these procedures are not observed, the Air Bags may be activated accidentally and cause personal injury. Non-activated Air Bags must NOT be disposed of through the usual waste disposal channels. Non-activated Air Bags contain substances which are harmful to health and can cause personal injury if the sealed container containing them is damaged during disposal. Relevant current laws may be violated if Air Bags are not disposed of in accordance with this procedure.


The devices should be ordered as and when required from the Volvera Parts-After Sales Department, but only for specific repairs as the Network must not keep these parts in stock. At all events, for internal handling purposes, an in-out register should be kept, recording the identification numbers of the modules and the vehicle details (chassis number, registration date, model, etc.).



Before working on the electrical system (connectors, electrical components, wiring etc.), turn the ignition off (STOP position) and disconnect the battery.


Data base for managing code parts

There is a centralized DATA BASE (for all markets) managed by the PARTS DEPT. for ordering all system components.The production plant transfers all the details needed into this DATA BASE - together with the chassis number of the new vehicle.This DATA BASE should be used by the Service Network for ordering replacement components

The DATA BASE contains various information, including:

  • vehicle chassis number;
  • secret code;
  • code of each key (transponder identifier);
  • remote control code;
  • mechanical key code;
  • programming date;
When replac
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