Operational description

The door locking/unlocking function is controlled by the control units for the driver''s door M66, passenger side M67 and luggage compartment M63 all connected via the CAN line to one another and to the Body Computer M1.Control units M66 and M67 are supplied at pin 11 of connector E by the line protected by fuse F36 of the junction unit under the dashboard B2, the luggage compartment control unit M63 at pin B8 of connector A by the line protected by fuse F32 of B2.Pin 19 connector B and 7 of connector E of M66 and of M67 are earthed.Pin C8 of connector A of M63 is also earthed.

Control units M66, M67 and M63 receive the following inputs:

  • the "locking" signals from the knobs, at pin 23 of connector B of M66 and M67;
  • the "locking" signals from the knobs at pin B4 of connector A and B4 of connector B of M63''
  • the locking/unlocking signals from the key pawl, at pins 24 and 25 of connector B of M66;
  • the negative signals from the locking/unlocking buttons, located in the control unit on the tunnel H35, at pins 34 and 35 of connector A of M66;
  • the signals coming from the aerial-receiver P93 which is connected to pins 21 and 31 of connector B of M1.
According to the control logic illustrated, the control units M66 and M67 control the geared motors for the front door locks: a joint supply is sent to the motors from pin 6 of connector E; the locking/unlocking motors (B/S) for locks N50 and N51 are activated by pin 4 of connector E.Similarly, the control unit M63 controls the geared motors for the rear door locks: the joint supply is sent to the motors from pin A7 of connector A and A2 of connector B; the locking/unlocking motors (B/S) for locks N55 and N56 are activated by pin C7 of connector A and C2 of connector B.The LED next to the controls on the tunnel H35 is activated by a positive command from pin 8 of connector C of M66.The fuel flap opening motor N58 is operated by the same control logic as the driver''s front door lock, from pins 5 and 12 of connector E of M66.The RF aerial-receiver P93 sends the Body Computer M1 the opening/closing signal for the doors and for the windows and the sun roof as well, connecting to pins 21 and 31 of connector BThe operation of the inertia switch I50 is signalled at pin 17 of connector D of the Body Computer M1 and this signal also causes the opening of the doors.