
The system referred to as the TPMS "Tyre Pressure Monitoring System" monitors tyre pressure and temperature moment by moment. It sends the required information via the CAN network. In particular, it activates on the instrument panel a low pressure signal for one or more tyres or a puncture signal for one tyre. It consists of a reception signal located inside the passenger compartment (in the boot on the right hand side) and four transmission sensors located inside the tyre on the rim.The tyre pressure control unit acquires information on the status of all four tyres via radio signals from the sensors. It then communicates with the Body Computer on the A-BUS serial line.At key-on, the control unit conducts an initial check: when the vehicle moves at a speed equal to 16 km/h, the sensors measure the pressure and then make a transmission to indicate the initial status. The receiver receives this transmission from all the sensors within 5 seconds so that it can check tyre function.Two intervention thresholds are identified that are stored inside the receiver. The first (defined as CHECK) indicates that one or more tyres are at a pressure slightly lower than optimum pressure and the user should therefore check and restore the correct value. The second threshold (defined WARNING) is set to indicate a constant or sudden pressure loss due to a puncture in one or more tyres.The control unit supply lines are protected by fuses in the underfacia control unit.