184001062 - 1088B20 ENGINE COOLING RADIATOR - R + R

Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on the rampProceed with removal    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R.Proceed with removal    Op. 5530B52 BATTERY DRIP TRAY/SUPPORT - R.R..Proceed with removal    Op. 1048A10 AIR CLEANER FILTERING ELEMENT - REPLACE.Proceed with removal    Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER.Proceed with removal 5540B78 left front light cluster with turn signal and foglamp r r (Left side).Proceed with removal    Op. 1048A23 COLD AIR INTAKE - R R.Proceed with removal    Op. 1048B48 HEAT EXCHANGER DUCT - R R.Proceed with removal    Op. 1048B50 TURBO CHARGER INTERCOOLER - R + R.1. Loosen the band (1b) and disconnect the lower radiator coolant outlet hose from the radiator, radiator side (1b).
Recover the coolant using a suitable container.
2. Loosen band (2b) and disconnect the upper coolant inlet hose to the radiator, radiator side (2b).
1. Disconnect the electrical connections from the engine cooling fans.

1Engine electric fan motor N11

1Engine electric fan motor N12
2. Undo the bolt (2a) and move the electrical wiring (2b) aside.
Temporarily fix the air conditioning condenser to the bodyshell.1. Undo the bolts securing the air conditioner condenser to the engine cooling radiator.
1. Support the lower radiator crossmember using a hydraulic lift.2. Undo the nut fixing the engine oil cooling radiator to the lower radiator crossmember.3. Remove the button fixing the drier filter mounting bracket to the lower radiator crossmember.4. Undo the bolts (4a), lower the hydraulic lift and remove the engine cooling radiator (4b) complete with lower radiator crossmember (4c) and engine cooling fans.
Refitting ( Removing ) Place the engine cooling radiator complete with lower radiator crossmember and engine cooling fans back in its housing using the hydraulic lift and tighten the bolts.Fit the button fixing the drier filter mounting bracket to the lower radiator crossmember.Tighten the nut fixing the engine oil cooling radiator to the lower radiator crossmember.Remove the hydraulic lift from underneath the lower radiator crossmember.Tighten the bolts securing the air conditioner condenser to the engine cooling radiator.Release the air conditioning condenser from the temporary fastening on the bodyshell.Place the electrical wiring back in its housing and tighten the bolt.Connect the electrical connections to the engine cooling fans.Connect the upper coolant inlet hose to the radiator, radiator side, and tighten the band.Connect the lower coolant outlet hose from the radiator, radiator side, and tighten the band.Proceed with refitting    Op. 1048B50 TURBO CHARGER INTERCOOLER - R + R.Proceed with refitting    Op. 1048B48 HEAT EXCHANGER DUCT - R R.Proceed with refitting    Op. 1048A23 COLD AIR INTAKE - R R.Proceed with the refitting 5540B78 left front light cluster with turn signal and foglamp r r (Left side).Proceed with refitting    Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER.Proceed with refitting    Op. 1048A10 AIR CLEANER FILTERING ELEMENT - REPLACE.Proceed with refitting    Op. 5530B52 BATTERY DRIP TRAY/SUPPORT - R.R..Proceed with refitting    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R.Proceed with refitting    Op. 0010T20 COOLANT CHECK DENSITY AND TOP UP IF NECESSARY.