Follow the recommended safety instructions (see 5040 - Precautions).
Removing ( Refitting ) Position the vehicle on a lift.Drain the coolant (    Op. 0010T84 COOLANT FOR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM DEHYDRATE AND RECHARGE).    Op. 4450B04 RIGHT FRONT WHEEL R R    Op. 7055B91 RIGHT FRONT SUPPLEMENTARY WHEEL ARCH R R 5040B14 PRESSOSTATO plurilivello dell''impianto condizionamento aria - S.R. 1. Undo the bolt (1a) and disconnect the connector (1b) for the pipe from the drier filter to the expansion valve.
Seal the connectors that have been disconnected using suitable plugs to prevent dampness and impurities from entering the system.
    Op. 7055B54 UNDER-ENGINE GUARD - R R1. Undo the bolt (1a) fixing the support (1b) for the hydraulic clutch pipe (in order to facilitate the subsequent removal of the pipe).
Lower the vehicle. 1016A10 COPERCHIO INSONORIZZANTE - S.R.     Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R    Op. 5530B52 BATTERY CRADLE - R R    Op. 1048A10 AIR CLEANER FILTERING ELEMENT - REPLACE1. Working in the engine compartment, in front of the air conditioning casing, undo the bolt (1a) and disconnect the connector (1b) for the pipe from the expansion valve to the drier filter.
Position a hydraulic jack under the gearbox and position it so it is slightly in contact with the actual gearbox (for the subsequent lowering of the gearbox assembly).1. Disconnect the band from the pipe.2. Undo the nut for the gearbox left side support.Using the jack positioned previously, gently lower the engine-gearbox assembly.3. Remove the pipe from the drier filter to the expansion valve.
Refitting ( Removing ) Check that the pipe is undamaged and is not affected by cracks that affect the seal.
Replace the O rings for the connectors. Only use green coloured seals that are resistant to R134a coolant. Lubricate the connector threads using anti-freeze.
Place the pipe from the drier filter to the expansion valve in position.Using the jack, raise the engine-gearbox assembly until it is in position.Tighten the nut for the gearbox left side support.Connect the band to the pipe.Remove the hydraulic jack.1. Connect the connector (1a) for the pipe from the drier filter to the expansion valve and secure it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
    Op. 1048A10 AIR CLEANER FILTERING ELEMENT - REPLACE    Op. 5530B52 BATTERY CRADLE - R R    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R 1016A10 COPERCHIO INSONORIZZANTE - S.R. Raise the vehicle.Place the support for the hydraulic clutch pipe in position and fasten it using the bolt.    Op. 7055B54 UNDER-ENGINE GUARD - R R1. Connect the connector (1a) for the pipe from the drier filter to the expansion valve and secure it tightening the bolt (1b) to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
5040B14 PRESSOSTATO plurilivello dell''impianto condizionamento aria - S.R.     Op. 7055B91 RIGHT FRONT SUPPLEMENTARY WHEEL ARCH R R    Op. 4450B04 RIGHT FRONT WHEEL R RRecharge the coolant (    Op. 0010T84 COOLANT FOR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM DEHYDRATE AND RECHARGE).Remove the vehicle from the lift.