Operational description

The radio P20 is supplied directly (pin 2 and 4 of connector A) from the battery via the line for fuse F39 of underfacia control unit B2 .Pins 1 and 3 of connector A receive the CAN line by which radio P20 is connected to the Body Computer M1 and to the other system nodes    See E1050 CAN CONNECTION LINES. Pin 8 of connector A is earthed.Radio P20 is connected to the radio controls on the steering wheel in the steering wheel control unit M93 which is a node on the CAN network    See E1050 CAN CONNECTION LINES; the connection takes place via the clock spring D47 . Steering wheel control unit M93 is supplied via an ignition operated command (INT) - pin 5 - via a line of fuse F49 , of underfacia control unit B2 .Aerial P25 is connected to the radio by means of the special coaxial cable.A connection lead runs from connector E of P20 to CD player P75 .Amplifer P70 is supplied directly from the battery - at pin 1 - via the line of fuse F54 of supplementary fuse box B98 ; i pin 2 of amplifier P70 and to earth.Pin 6 of P70 is connected via a line to radio P20 pin 6 of connector C which supplies a positive signal to enable ignition.

The other signals leaving the BOSE amplifier P70 control the speakers:

  • pins 31 and 32 to the left front speakers P35 and P45
  • pins 26 and 27 to the right front speakers P36 and P46
  • pins 4 and 16 to the left rear speaker P30
  • pins 5 and 17 to the right rear speaker P31
The subwoofer, located next to the bassbox containing the amplifier P70 is also connected directly, pins 3, 11, 12 and 15 of P70.