Operational description

The engine management control unit M10 controls and governs the entire electronic ignition and injection system.Control unit M10 is supplied directly from the battery at pin 16 of connector A, via a line protected by fuse F18 of engine compartment control unit B1 .An ignition-operated power supply (15/54) is received from a line protected by fuse F16 of engine compartment control unit B1 at pins 12 and 29 of connector A of M10 .Pins 5, 6, 21 and 22 of connector B of M10 are earthed.

Main injection relay T9 of B1 controls the entire system: t is energized by an control signal (earth) from pin 62 of connector A of engine control unit M010 and then forwards a power supply:

  • to injectors N70 and coils A30 , via a line protected by fuse F22 of B1 ;
  • to the fuel vapour recovery solenoid L10 and lambda sensors K15 and K17 and variable valve timing N76 , via line protected by fuse F11 of B1.
The fuel pump relay T10 of B1 is supplied by the line for fuse F21 of B1.This is excited by a command signal (earth) from pin 13 of connector A of control unit M10 and supplies power to fuel pump N40 , which is earthed via inertia switch I50 , that cuts off the circuit in the case of impact and thus prevents dangerous outflows of fuel.Engine control unit M10 receives signals from the various sensors in order to monitor all engine service parameters.RPM sensor K46 supplies, via a frequency signal sent to pins 9 and 23 of connector B of control unit M10 , information on engine speed. these two signals are very low intensity and are thus appropriately shielded.Timing sensor K47 is supplied from pin 13 of connector B di M10 ; this receives a reference earth from pin 7 of connector B, and sends a signal with frequency corresponding to the phase to pin 24 of connector B of M10 .Integrated air temperature sensor K43 receives a reference earth from pin 7 of connector B; it sends a signal corresponding to intake air temperature to pin 63 of the control unit. Pin 13 of connector B of M10 sends a reference power supply to sensor K43 , which returns a signal proportional to intake air pressure to pin 31.Absolute pressure sensor K44 receives a reference earth from pin 7 of connector B; while pin 13 of connector B of M10 sends out a reference power supply: sensor K43 returns a signal proportional to the pressure to pin 61.Engine temperature sensor K36 receives a reference earth from pin 36 of connector B of control unit M10 , and sends a signal proportional to engine coolant temperature to pin 45 of the control unit.The detonation sensor K50 provides information, by means of frequency signals, concerning the onset of detonation in the combustion chamber: it sends two signals to pins 41 and 48 of connector B of M10 ; these signals are also appropriately shielded.The Lambda sensor on the pre-catalyzer K15 and the one on the catalyzer K17 provide the control unit M10 with information concerning the correct composition of the air-fuel mixture.The sensor K15 sends a signal to pin 43 of connector B of the control unit, while pin 60 provides a reference earth: these two signals are very low intensity and are thus appropriately shielded. Sensor K15 is heated by a resistance to ensure correct operation even when cold; the resistance is supplied by the main relay T9 pin 32 of connector B of M10 provides the reference earth.The sensor K17 sends a signal to pin 42 of connector B of the control unit, while pin 58 provides a reference earth: these two signals are very low intensity and are thus appropriately shielded. Sensor K15 is heated by a resistance to ensure correct operation even when cold; the resistance is supplied by the main relay T9 pin 64 of connector B of M10 provides the reference earth.Accelerator pedal K55 contains two potentiometers (one main one and one safety backup). The former receives power and earth signals from pins 2 and 46 of connector A of M10 and sends a corresponding signal to pin 42 of the same connector. The latter receives power and earth signals from pins 3 and 15 of connector A of M10 and sends a corresponding signal to pin 40 of the same connector.Pin 34 of connector A of M10 receives the N.O. signal coming from the brake lights switch I30 with an ignition-controlled supply (INT) from fuse F37 of junction unit B2.Pin 35 of connector A of M10 receives the N.C. signal coming from the brake lights switch I30 with an ignition-controlled supply (INT) from fuse F35 of control unit B2.Pin 50 of connector A of M10 receives a negative signal from the clutch switch I31.The control unit M10 controls the opening of the injectors N70 by means of special signals sent by pins 50, 35, 49, 33 and 52 of connector B of M10. Injectors N70 receive a power supply to enable opening of main relay T9 of B1 .Control unit M10 also controls A30 via control signals for the primary winding of the coil, while the secondary sends a pulse to the spark plugs: from pins 17, 19, 3 and 1 of connector B of M10. The primary windings of coils A30 receive a power supply to enable opening of main relay T9 of B1 .The throttle body actuator N75 is equipped with two integral potentiometers connected in parallel: this controls throttle opening by means of a step motor.The motor receives a supply from pins 57 and 52 connector B of M10 Pin 15 of connector B sends power to both potentiometers, while pin 35 sends an earth signal to the potentiometers; pins 44 and 30 of the same connector receive signals that reach throttle body actuator N75Fuel vapour recovery solenoid L10 allows fuel vapours to flow through toward the engine intake, where they join the mixture that is entering the combustion chamber. Valve L10 is supplied from main relay T9 of B1 ; it is opened by the control unit when the engine is loaded via a signal from pin 51 of connector B of M10 .Variable valve timing solenoid N76 is supplied from main relay T9 of B1 ; it is controlled by the control unit via a signal from pin 2 of connector B of M10 .Control unit M10 receives - at pin 7 of connector A - a negative signal from the engine oil minimum pressure sensor K30 .Information on engine coolant temperature is sent to instrument panel E50, which manages the gauge and warning light. The engine rpm and minimum engine oil information are also sent to instrument panel E50, which manages the rev counter and the relevant warning light.It receives a speedometer signal via the CAN network that is generated by the ABS control unit M50 .The control unit self-diagnostic system M10 also generates a negative signal that leaves pin 58 of connector A - that is connected directly to the EOBD warning light located in instrument panel E50 .The check function inside instrument panel E50 also monitors activation of the inertia switch and faults in the engine temperature sensor and oil pressure sensor. If faults are detected, the general warning light is turned on and information is simultaneously shown on the display.The self-diagnostic data may be read by connecting to connector C of Body Computer M1 pin 7, which receives signals from pin 10 of connector A of control unit M10 via the appropriate diagnostic line.