2891506 - 1043B42 pressure regulaton for gpl supply complete with delivery and return lines from intermediate connector r r (GPOWER)

Removing ( Refitting ) Drain the LPG delivery and return lines from the tank to the pressure reglator. Follow the correct procedure and observe the regulations shown  - 1043A02  lpg system lines pipe draining operations . Return the vehicle to the workshop and place it on a lift. Disconnect the battery negative terminal.1. Undo the connectors (1a) and disconnect the supply and return pipes (1b) from the connectors (1c) on intermediate bracket (1d).
Mark the exact position of the pipes to avoid reconnecting incorrectly when refitting.
Release the pipes from the retaining bands. 1. Lift out activated carbon filter (1a) to release from mounting bracket (1b).Place the activated carbon filter to one side to make the LPG pipes on the pressure regulator accessible.
1. Undo the connectors (1a) and disconnect the supply and return pipes (1b) to the injectors.
Mark the LPG delivery and return pipes from regulator to injectors to avoid connecting them incorrectly during refitting; refer to the IN and OUT wordings shown in the figure.
2. Disconnect electrical connector of pressure sensor (2a) and LPG stop solenoid control coil (2b).

2aGPL pressure sensor  K53 

2bGPL cut out solenoid valve  L63 
Place the electrical wiring to one side.3. Undo bolts (3a) securing the pressure reglator to bracket (3b).4. Undo retaining bolts (4a) and remove pressure regulator (4b) complete with pipes.
Refitting ( Removing ) Fit pressure regulator and secure with bolts.Fit the mounting bracket and fix it using the bolts.Connect the electrical connections of the LPG pressure sensor and stop coil.

-GPL pressure sensor  K53 

-GPL cut out solenoid valve  L63 
Fit the LPG delivery and return pipes to the injectors and tighten the connectors to torque.


Fit the activated carbon filter on the bracket.Connect the LPG delivery and return pipes to the connectors on the intermediate bracket and tighten the pipe connectors to torque.

-ConnectorL.P/G SUPPLY.RETURN PIPE CONNECTOR..-(supply) 1.4

-ConnectorL.P/G SUPPLY.RETURN PIPE CONNECTOR..-(return) 1.6
 - 1043A04  gpl system and pipes check for leaks . Connect the battery negative terminal.Remove the vehicle from the ramp.