186003097 - E2510 COURTESY LIGHTS - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (Powered sunroof)

Operational description

The power supply for the front courtesy lights ( G10 ) and the rear ones ( G25 and G26) arrives directly from the battery (maxifuse J/B1 of B5 ) via fuse F10 of junction unit B1 . They are switched on by a direct earth signal (on permanently) at pin 1 of the respective courtesylights, or - at pin 3 - coming from the integrated services control unit M40 . The control unit M40 receives a direct supply from the battery at pin 8 of connector B from the line for maxifuse J/B2 of B5 via shunt fuse B19 and an ignition-controlled power supply (INT) - pin 7 of connector B - from the line protected by fuse B26 . Pin 13 of connector B provides the earth.

The control unit receives unlocking and opening signals for the doors which arrive:

  • at pins 2 and 3 of connector B: opening of one of the front doors N50 and N51 (left and right, respectively);
  • at pins 12 and 18 of connector B: opening of one of the rear doors N55 and N56 (left and right, respectively);
On the basis of the above signals and the control logic illustrated previously, the control unit M40 sends timed earth signals from pins 10 and 1 of connector B which control the front courtesy lights G10 and G26 .