2889059 - E3040 CENTRAL LOCKING - Description (Right hand drive)


The lock motors on all the doors are activated simultaneously upon a command:

  • from the ignition;
  • from the front door switches (knobs);
  • the remote control.
Locking operation: when the key is used on one of the two front doors or the remote control is operated when the doors are firmly shut and the front locks locked, all four side doors are locked simultaneouslyUnlocking operation: when the key is used on one of the two front doors, with front locks locked, or the remote control is operated, all four doors are unlocked.

This operating logic is controlled by the integrated services control unit, under the dashboard; the control unit also carries out a series of safety checks:

  • the control unit monitors lock status. A lock command is issued only when all doors are properly closed : if the operated door is not properly closed, the control is blocked; if the door opposite the operated door is not properly closed, an immediate repulsion takes place (i.e. the opposite manoeuvre is carried out to realign the locks).
  • if there is a rapid succession of alternating lock/unlock commands, the control unit only carries out the first three commands without activating the inhibition. Similarly if 8/9 opening and closing actions are carried out in 20 seconds (the last is always a closure), the circuit is then inhibited for about 30 s.
  • the circuit can be further inhibited if the battery voltage falls below 9 V within 20 ms from the start of activation of the lock/unlock actions. During the inhibition time (30 s), the commands are ignored.
The locking or unlocking command is also carried out via the remote control receiver, both on versions with an alarm and on versions with a door remote control only.The central locking circuit is protected by a special fuse next to the junction unit.