2892574 - E3510 RADIO - Functional description

Functional description

The radio P20 is supplied directly (pins 4 of connector A) by the battery via the line for the maxifuse J/B1 for B5 and is protected by fuse F10 of the junction unit B1. It receives a supply when the ignition is switched on (INT) (pin 7 of connector A) via the line for bridge fuse B26. Pin 6 of connector A receives the supply with the side lights switched on via the line protected by fuse F2 located in the junction unit B1 See E2010 SIDE LIGHTS / NO. PLATE LIGHTS . Pin 8 of connector A is earthed. Pin 5 of connector A is connected to the amplifier P25 which controls the supply for the aerial. The feeder P25 is then connected to the radio by means of the special aerial cable.

Connector B sends out cables carrying signals to the speakers:

  • pins 5 and 6 to the left front speakers P35 and P45 ;
  • pins 3 and 4 to the right front speakers P36 and P46;
  • pins 7 and 8 to the left rear speakers P40 ;
  • pins 1 and 2 for the right rear speakers P41 .
The cable connected to the CD player P75 comes out of connector E. The steering wheel controls are sent out from connector D, via the clock spring D47 and for the radio phone if fitted See E3580 PREPARATION FOR CELLULAR TELEPHONE .