2892587 - E3595 TAXI PREPARATION - Functional description

Functional description

The connection for the radiotaxi D57 receives a direct supply from the battery via the line for the specific fuse B57 and is suitably earthed. The connection for the taxi-meter D55 receives a direct supply from the battery - pin 6 - via the line for the specific fuse B55 and the maxifuse J/B2 of B5 .and is suitably earthed. It receives a supply when the ignition is switched on (INT) - pin 4 - via the line for bridge fuse B26. Pin 2 receives a supply, with the side lights on, via the line protected by fuse F2 of the junction unit B1 ( See E2010 SIDE LIGHTS / NO. PLATE LIGHTS ). Pin 5 of connection D55 is earthed. Pin 1 receives the speedometer signal from the instrument panel E50 - pin 31 of connector A. Pin 3 of D55 sends a supply, with the side lights on, to the connection for the TAXI sign D56 , which is suitably earthed.