2892606 - E4090 NAVIGATOR - Functional description (CONNECT)

Functional description

The radio P20 is supplied directly (pins 4 of connector A) by the battery via the line for the maxifuse J/B1 for B5 and is protected by fuse F10 of the junction unit B1. It receives a supply when the ignition is switched on (INT) (pin 7 of connector A) via the line for the bridge fuse B26. Pin 6 of connector A receives the supply with the side lights switched on via the line protected by fuse F2 located in the junction unit B1 See E2010 SIDE LIGHTS / NO. PLATE LIGHTS . Pin 8 of connector A is earthed.

Connector B sends out cables carrying signals to the speakers:

  • pins 5 and 6 to the left front speakers P35 and P45 ;
  • pins 3 and 4 to the right front speakers P36 and P46
  • pins 7 and 8 to the left rear speakers P40 ;
  • pins 1 and 2 for the right rear speakers P41 .
Pin 1 receives a speedometer signal from instrument E50. Pin 3 receives a reverse engaged signal from switch I20 See E2022  REVERSING LIGHTS . The GSM BOX interface electronic device P131 is supplied directly (pin 11); it also receives a supply controlled by the ignition (INT) (pin 10) via the line for bridge fuse B26. ; pin 1 is earthed. Pins 9 and 18 are connected to the microphone P26 ; pins 16, 7 and 4 (outputs to speakers) are connected to navigation system P20, connector D.