2892481 - E2010 SIDE LIGHTS / NO. PLATE LIGHTS - Functional description (Right hand drive)

Functional description

The signal for activating the side lights reaches the ignition switch H1 (STAZ) when the steering column switch unit H5 - connector B pin 6 - is in the appropriate position: it is a supply controlled by the ignition (INT) for the line protected by fuse F8 of the junction unit B1 . Alternatively - with the key in the PARK position - the supply arrives directly from the battery (IGN maxifuse for B5 ). From switch H1 (POS) the supply is sent to the various side lights through the lines protected by fuses F2 and F3 for the junction unit B1 . The former protects the circuits for the right front F11 , left rear F30 and right number plate F51 lights. The second protects the circuits for the left front F10 , right rear F31 and left number plate F50 lights. At the same time, the side lights on warning light is supplied inside the instrument E50 - pin 1 for connector B -, whilst pin 3 for connector A of E50 acts as an earth. The same signal dims the instrument light with the lights switched on.