2891493 - 1043A08 lpg tank check seal (GPOWER)

Each time repairs are carried out on components directly in contact with the tank, such as: the 80% valve, electric pump, solenoid valve, float, the seal of the tank must be checked following the instructions given below.
1. Introduce compressed air into the tank through the connector (1a) on the 80% valve (1b) until the minimum internal pressure reached ios 10 Atmosphere.

1aConnector for 80 valve%1.870.831.000
To determine the pressure value inside the tank, proceed as described below.1. Connect the LPG supply pipe to the pump.2. Using a special connector (2a), fit a pressure gauge (2b) to the supply pipe by the intermediate bracket.

2aFitting for pressure gauge1.870.832.000
3. Electrically connect the solenoid valve coil to a battery, a suitable distance away, using special cables. In this way the solenoid valve will open allowing the escape of air; use the pressure gauge tomeasure the pressure inside the tank which should be at least 10 Atmosphere, if this is not the case, continue to introduce compressed air.Once the pressure reading is correct, disconnect the cables from the pressure and remove the pressure gauge.
Cover the components on the tank, even if they are not directly involved in the dismantling procedure, with a foam solution (BRC cod 90AV99000052 or a similar product) to detect any leaks.If leaks are found, check that the component is correctly fitted before discharging the pressure in the tank, as described below; then repeat the leakage test.If the result of the leakage test is favourable, before refitting the tank on the vehicle, discharge the pressure inside following the instructions given below.
During the operation of discharging the pressure in the tank, wear the special 'helmet with a visor' and 'winter gloves' in accordance with UNI standards (see GROUP 10 index).
1. Electrically connect the solenoid valve coil to a battery, a suitable distance away, using special cables. In this way the solenoid valve will open allowing the escape of air from the lower part of the tank; keep the coil connected until the whistling of the air coming out of the tank can no longer be heard.
1. Remove the solenoid valve coil supply cables, then, use a tracer point (1a) on the return valve (1b) to completely drain the air pressure in the upper part of the tank.
Once the operation of discharging the pressure is completed, connect the supply and return pipes, complete with wiring  Refer to op.. 1043B28  lpg delivery and return pipes from tank to intermediate connector complete with submerged pump wiring r r with lpg tank removed . Fit the valve unit cover  Refer to op.. 1043A54  cover of gpl tank valve unit with submerged fuel pump ecu r r with gpl tank removed . Fit the tank on the vehicle  Refer to op.. 1043A06  gpl tank complete with submerged fuel tank and valve unit r r . Refill the tank with 5 - 10 litres of LPG and carry out the leak detection procedure  Refer to op.. 1043A04  gpl system and pipes check for leaks .