2892339 - 1016E10 single cylinder head, removed - overhaul

Dismantling ( Reassembling ) 1. Position the cylinder head in the vice, supporting it with a suitable tool.

2. Using the tool, remove the spark plugs.

1. Using the tools (1a), (1b), (1c), (1d) and (1e) as illustrated in the diagram, compress the valve springs.2. Remove the cotters (2a), caps (2b) and springs (2c), then remove the tool to remove the inlet and exhaust valves (2d) from the head.


1bLever hook1.860.788.000


1dValve retaining base1.860.786.000

1. Using suitable pliers (1a), remove the oil seals (1b) from the valve guides.
Reassembling ( Dismantling ) De-carbonize and clean the valve seats and ducts.Clean the residues of the old gasket from the lower surface of the cylinder head.Check that the planarity of the lower cylinder head surface is within the recommended values.

-Flatness of bottom surface (mm)0.1
If the planarity of the cylinder head surface is not within the recommended values, regrind the head surface.1. After regriding the cylinder head, use a dial gauge (1a) and magnetic base (1b) to check that the minimum height between the reference plane inside the combustion chamber and the cylinder head surface is within the recommended value.

-Minimum height between combustion chamber plane/cylinder head (mm)12.5 ÷ 13.0
The minimum permissible height after refacing is 12.5 mm.

1bDial gauge mounting1.870.404.000
According the planarity figure measured, the cylinder head can be refaced until the minimum permissible value is reached.If the value measured is within the tolerance, but close to the minimum permissible value, the operation of refacing the head could alter the functional characteristics of the actual cylinder head because it could cause an excessive increase in the compression ratio with consequent detonation.Also check the volume of all the combustion chambers following the procedure described below.1. Temporarily fit the valves and spark plugs and use a graduated test tube containing a known quantity of engine oil.2. Rest a glass sheet with four holes corresponding to the combustion chambers on the cylinder head.3. Complete the filling of the combustion chamber, taking care that no oil comes out of the combustion chamber.Wait for around 10 minutes to allow the decantation of the oil.Measure the quantity of oil remaining in the test tube and then calculate the difference between it and the quantity of oil used initially when the test tube was full; this value corresponds to the volume of the chamber.Check that this figure corresponds to the recommended values, or else the cylinder head has to be replaced.

-Volume of combustion chamber in cylinder head (cm)33.35
Remove the combustion residues from the valves.Check that the valves do not show signs of scoring or seizing.Check that the thickness of the part in contact with the valve seat is within the recommended values.

-Valve thickness (mm)/= 1
Check that the diameter of the valve stems is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the valves.

-Inlet valve internal diameter (mm)6.982 ÷ 7.000

-Exhaust valve internal diameter (mm)6.974 ÷ 6.992
Check that the diameter of the valve head is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the valves.

-Gudgeon pin oversizel (mm)0.2

-Exhaust valve external diameter (mm)29.750 ÷ 30.050
Check that the contact angle with the valve seat for both valves is within the recommended values or else the valve has to be replaced.

-Contact band angle with valve seat (-)Inlet45° 30' ± 5'

-Contact band angle with exhaust valve seat (-)45° 30' ± 5'
Using a special instrument, check that the valve spring specifications in the various load conditions have not changed; otherwise they must be replaced.

-Internal spring height (mm)27.5
Under load (daN)8.3 - 9.3

-Internal spring height (mm)18.5
Under load (daN)17.6 - 19.6

-External spring height (mm)33.5
Under load (daN)23.4 - 25.6

-External spring height (mm)24.5
Under load (daN)46 - 50
Regrind the valve seats to the recommended dimensions for a length of around 2 mm.

-Contact band angle with valve (-)Exhaust45° ± 20°
Inlet45° ± 20°
Ream the internal diameter of the valve guide, using a suitable reamer.Check that the value of the valve guide internal diameter after refacing and the clearance with the valve are within the recommended values or else the valve guide has to be replaced. If necessary, replace the valve guides referring to op.   1016E14  single cylinder head valve guides - replace during operation 1016e10

-Valve guide internal diameter (mm)7.022 ÷ 7.040

-Clearance between inlet valve - inlet valve guide (mm)0.022 ÷ 0.058

-Clearance between exhaust valve - exhaust valve guide (mm)0.030 ÷ 0.066
1. Fit the oil seals (1a) on the valve guides, using the drift (1b) on the stem of the valve temporarily fitted in the seat, then fit the new oil seal on the drift.2. Remove the drift and, using a suitable tool, fit the oil seal in the housing.


Refit the valves, springs, caps and cotters using the same tools as used for the dismantling.


-Lever hook1.860.788.000


-Valve retaining base1.860.786.000

Carry out the valve leakage test, referring to operation 1016C04 cylinder head valves, removed - tightness test - Valve leakage test Remove the cylinder head from the vice.Remove the support tool fitted initially from the cylinder head.

1. Remove the hydraulic tappets from the camshaft housing, taking care to place them on a suitable surface, making a note of their position in the camshaft housing.
Do not turn the tappets upsidedown or else they fluid they contain will escape.
1. Fit the supporting tool (1a) on the camshaft housing (1b) and place it in the vice.

1. Undo the nut (1a) and remove the rear cover (1b).Remove the camshaft, complete with oil seal, from the housing.
Measure the diameters of the camshaft housing supports, checking that the figures correspond to the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the damaged camshaft housing.

-Diameter of 1st° camshaft bearing, inlet side, in camshaft housing (mm)29.989 - 30.014

-Diameter of 2nd° camshaft support, inlet side in camshaft housing (mm)52.445 - 52.470

-Diameter of 3rd° camshaft bearing, inlet side, in camshaft housing (mm)52.845 - 52.870

-Diameter of 4th° camshaft bearing, inlet side, in camshaft housing (mm)53.245 - 53.270

-Diameter of 5th° camshaft bearing, inlet side, in camshaft housing (mm)53.645 - 53.670
Measure the camshaft bearings, checking that the values correspond to the recommended figures; if this is not the case, replace the damaged camshaft.

-Diameter of 1st° camshaft bearing, timing side (mm)29.944 - 29.960

-Diameter of 2nd° camshaft bearing, timing side (mm)52.400 - 52.415

-Diameter of 3rd° camshaft bearing, timing side (mm)52.800 - 52.815

-Diameter of 4th° camshaft bearing, timing side (mm)53.200 - 53.215

-Diameter of 5th° camshaft bearing, timing side (mm)53.600 - 53.615
Check that the nominal lift of the camshaft cams is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the worn camshaft.

-Camshaft cam height (mm)Exhaust8
Also check that the surfaces of the cams and the bearings do not show signs of wear, grooves or seizing.Fit the camshafts in the camshaft housings, taking into account that the recommended clearance should not be exceeded.

-Clearance between camshaft bearings- camshaft housing. supports (mm)0.030 - 0.070
1. Fit the new oil seal (1a) on the camshaft housings, using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.860.882.000
Measure the diameters of the tappet housings, checking that the values correspond to the recommended figures; if this is not the case, replace the camshaft housing.

-Diameter of tappet housings (mm)33.000 - 33.025
1. Measure the diameters of the tappets, checking that the values are within the recommended figures; if this is not the case, replace the tappets.

-Tappet external diameter (mm)32.959 - 32.975
Fit the hydraulic tappets in the special housings in the camshaft housing.Measure the tappet clearance with the housing in the camshaft housing, checking that the values correspond to the recommended figures.

-Clearance between housing in head - hydraulic tappet (mm)0.025 - 0.066