3022501 - 4410B front suspension wishbones


1 - Lower track control arm 2 - Upper track control arm 3 - Shock absorber mounting shell 4 - Hydroelastic bush A - Anchorage B - Hydroelastic block C - GLYCOLThe front suspension track control arms are shaped with three hinge points in a triangular shape; for this reason they are also called triangles.The lower arm, of forged steel, is hinged to the suspension frame bu means of two flexible bushes at the two points which represent the base of the triangle, and at the vertical link via a ball joint at the point which represents the apex of the triangle.The rear flexible bush is hydroelastic to absorb longitudinal impacts as much as possible, and it consists of a hydroelastic block and the support for the attachment to the bodywork.
The hydroelastic block contains anti-freeze fluid (glycol) which, if it leaks, cannot be replaced; if there is a leak, the complete bush must be replaced.
The upper arm is hinged to the shock absorber mounting shell, by means of two flexible bushes at the two points which represent the base of the triangle, and to the vertical link by means of a ball joint.