3022506 - 4420B rear suspension wishbones


1 - Front transversal track control arm 2 - Rear transversal track control arm 3 - Adjustment device A - Cam B - Adjustment pin C - Spacer D, - Nut 4 - Crossmember 5 - Hub 6 - Longitudinal track control arm 7 - Hydraulic bush 8 - Arrows indication direction of assemblyThe front and rear transversal track control arms on the rear suspension are made of high-tensile pressed steel plate.On the rear arm, at the point of anchorage to the crossmember, there is a cam device for adjusting the toe-in which replaces the traditional worm and screw system. This weighs less and is easier to adjust.The bushes anchoring the arms to the crossmember and hub have been designed to improve the dynamic isolation characteristics.At the front attachment point of the longitudinal arm, there is a hydraulic bush which gradually absorbs stresses, to further improve suspension comfort.
To operate correctly, the hydraulic bush must be fitted in the correct orientation, indicated by the arrows near the attachment holes.