3022535 - 5580C air bag system


The following figure shows the complete configuration of the Air Bag system.
1 - Electronic control unit 2 - Passenger's Air Bag module 3 - Key switch for disabling the passenger's front Air Bag 4 - Passenger's pretensioner 5 - Passenger's Side Bag module 6 - Passenger side impact satellite sensor 7 - Passenger's Window Bag module 8 - Driver's Window Bag module 9 - Driver's Side Bag module 10 - Driver's side impact satellite sensor 11 - Driver's pretensioner 12 - Air Bag system failure warning light 13 - Passenger Air Bag disabled deactivation warning light 14 - Driver's Air Bag module 15 - Clock spring


The Air Bag system used on the car intervenes, in the case of front or side impacts of medium-high severity, to protect the occupants of the front seats and the heads of the occupants of the side rear seats. The system is completed by the presence of pretensioners on the front seat belts which, to make their retaining action less traumatic, have a load limiter.So that the Air Bag system can carry out its function with the maximum efficiency, the seat occupants MUST wear their seat belts correctly.A control system managed by the electronic control unit, in the case of a front or side impact, controls the partial or total activation of the devices.The electrical connection between the Air Bag system components is achieved by means of wiring, recognizable by the yellow coloured outer casing. The wiring for the front devices is incorporated in the dashboard cable loom and for the side devices it is included in the rear cable loom. The control unit is connected to the system by means of two connectors, one for the front cable and one for the rear cable.The passenger's front Air Bag module can be deactivated voluntarily, by a specific key switch located beside the dashboard.
For safety reasons continuity checks on the wiring are NOT permitted. To consult the electrical diagram of the system's connections, see.  See E7030  AIRBAG.
If a child seat is fitted on the front passenger seat, the front Air Bag module MUST be deactivated.
If the module is deactivated, a passenger seated on the front seat is protected only by the seat belt with pretensioner and the side Air Bags.
the activation of the Air Bags releases a small amount of powder. This powder, which may be deposited on the opened cushions and inside the vehicle, is not harmful but could irritate the skin and eyes. In case of exposure, wash with neutral soap and water.
The Air Bag system components last different lengths of time.

They should therefore be replaced in accordance with the following deadlines:

  • Airbag modules: 14 years
  • Clock spring: 10 years
  • Pretensioners: 10 years

To indicate the state of efficiency, the system has:

  • fault warning light (red) on the instrument panel;
  • passenger's Air Bag disabled warning light (amber) in the instrument panel;
  • diagnostic serial line for checking efficiency using the EXAMINER.


The Air Bag protection system comprises the following:

  • an electronic control unit;
  • two side impact sensors (right and left);
  • a switch for disabling the passenger's Air Bag;
  • two front Air Bag modules for protecting the front seat occupants;
  • two side protection Air Bag modules (chest, abdomen) for the front seat occupants;
  • two side Air Bag modules protecting the heads of the front seat occupants and the rear side seats.
  • two seat belts with pretensioners on the front seats .


View of control unit's position of assembly.
1 - Electronic control unit 2 - Arrow indicating direction of travel 3 - Attachments 4 - Electrical connections 5 - Control unit's earth contact


The electronic control unit manages the entire system, checking all the components, and has the function of recognising a crash situation promptly and activating only the pretensioners or the pretensioenrs and the Air Bag modules, depending on the type and severity of the crash.The control unit is fixed rigidly to the bodywork, under the central console near the centre of gravity, to allow the deceleration sensors it contains to detect precisely the deceleration of the car.
The control unit must always be fitted with the arrow stamped on the adhesive plate facing the vehicle's direction of travel. Always check that there are no foreign bodies between the control unit and the bodywork, and tighten the bolts to the specified torque.


The following figure shows the control unit.
1 - Control unit 2 - Identification plate A - 24-pin connector for facia cable B - 24-pin connector for rear cable


View of position on instrument panel


During starting, key in key-on position, the fault warning light (red) comes on for about four seconds (initial self-test stage) and then goes out. If the control unit detects a fault in the warning light, it memorises the corresponding fault code. If no faults are detected in the system at key-on, and there are no fault conditions in the fault memory, the warning light goes out after four seconds of self-test, otherwise it stays on until key off.


The warning light remains on or comes on, during the normal operation of the vehicle, in the following cases:

  • the control unit detects a fault in the Air Bag system;
  • the control unit detects an impact with activation of the system;
  • the control unit detects a fault in the actual warning light connection circuit.
As a result of an impact with the intervention of only the pretensioners or side Air Bags, the warning light stays on until the system's operating conditions are restored (replacement of the component concerned and rest of the control unit using the EXAMINER).if the impact causes the intervention of the front Air Bag modules, the warning light stays on permanently, and the control unit cannot be reset (in this case the control unit must be replaced).If internal operating faults arise during the control unit's operating life, and these faults cannot be reset by the EXAMINER, they are indicated by the warning light staying on permanently.


View of position on instrument panel


With the key at the key-on position, the passenger's Air Bag disabled warning light (yellow) comes on for about four seconds (initial self-test stage). If the control unit detects a fault in the warning light, it memorises the relevant fault code, switches on the fault warning light and keeps the passenger's Air Bag module disabled. Restore the system's operation using the EXAMINER, in the same way as for the fault warning light.After the initial four-second self-test stage, if the disabling key switch is turned to the OFF position, the warning light stays on indicating that the passenger's module is disabled. If there are no faults, the light flashes for a further four seconds and then goes out, indicating that the passenger's module is enabled.
The passenger's module MUST be disabled only using the ignition key (ignition switch at STOP position) - (DO NOT USE a second ignition key for disablement).


The following figure shows a view of the assembly
1 - Casing 2 - Cover 3 - Bag 4 - Gas generator 5 - Warning plate 6 - Point of connection to electrical system


The Air Bag is a passive safety device made up of a bag which, in the case of a frontal impact, automatically inflates placing itself between the body of the driver and the structure of the front part of the passenger compartment. The Air Bag module is installed in the centre of the steering wheel, and its cover also acts as the horn control.


The module comprises:

  • a plastic cover; which in the case of activation tears in predefined points to allow the bag to expand correctly;
  • a bag, with a volume of about 42 litres, made of nylon fabric to minimise skin abrasions in the case of contact, and folded in a particular way so that it inflates gradually and not directly facing the driver;
  • a pyrotechnic gas generator
  • a casing.
On the bottom of the gas generator, there is a warning plate which gives the instructions for handling (see PROCEDURE 5580C).


The gas generator for inflating the module is electrically activated by a signal coming from the electronic control module. Following this signal, a pyrotechnic charge contained in the generator is triggered. The gases produced by the combustion of the charge flow through special holes and expand in the bag, causing the cover to tear at the specific points. When fully inflated, the cushion is in the optimum position to carry out its function to retain the occupant. After being inflated by the gas, the bag deflates immediately through specific vent holes.


The following figure shows a view of the assembly
A - Clock spring for versions with radio/Selespeed controls on the steering wheel B - Clock spring for versions with radio/Selespeed controls on the steering wheel 1 - Clock spring 2 - Electrical connection for connecting Air Bag module 3 - Electrical connection for connecting horn 4 - Rotation lock ring 5 - Safety key 6 - Point of connection to electrical system


The Clock Spring is a device which allows the connecting cables for the Air Bag module and other electrical controls installed in the steering wheel to follow the steering wheel rotation without the risk of breaking.The device, consisting of two plates is secured by means of the lower plate to the stalk unit, and is joined to the steering wheel by means of specific recesses on the upper plate. The connection to the electrical system is via the connection points, present on the edge of the lower plate.


The clock spring has two cables on the steering wheel side, one of which is for connecting the Air Bag module, and one connects the steering wheel's electrical functions. The latter connector may be two- or eight-pin, depending on the versions.On the upper plate, steering wheel side, there is a ring which automatically blocks the rotation between the two plates when the device is removed from the steering wheel.The new device is supplied with a safety key for transport, to be removed before fitting.


Inside the two plates, the connecting cables for the Air Bag module and the various electrical functions are wound in a spiral, with a sufficient number of coils to follow the steering wheel's rotations. The upper plate rotates by means of the recesses present inside the locking ring which fit in the seating on the steering wheel hub. In the working position, the steering wheel presses on the ring, freeing it from the recesses, thus unlocking the rotation between the two plates. When the steering wheel is removed, pushed by a spring, it blocks the rotation between the two plates. This function prevents the top plate, no longer locked to the steering wheel, from turning freely and causing the sprial inside the device to unwind or wind and then possibly break.

In operations involving the removal of the steering wheel and the device, the following must be observed:

  • always operate with the wheels lined up straight;
  • for safety, lock the clock spring with a band before removing it from the stalk unit.
If for any reason the upper plate rotates in relation to the lower plate so much that the original position cannot be identified with absolute certainly, the clock spring MUST be replaced (see PROCEDURE op. 5580C12).


The following figure shows a view of the assembly
1 - Metal mounting 2 - Bag cover 3 - Warning plate 4 - Connecting point 5 - Gas generator 6 - Folded bag


The passenger's Air Bag module is located inside the dashboard, near a foam rubber flap in the trim, above the glove compartment, and is secured by brackets to the crossmember. As for the driver's module, it intervenes to provide front protection for the passenger, in the event of crashes which exceed a particular threshold, and can also be specifically disabled.


The module comprises:a metal mounting containing the gas generator and bag;a card cover which, in the case of activation, tears to allow correct expansion of the bag;a bag, with a volume of about 90 litres, made of nylon fabric in order to minimise skin abrasions in the event of contact, and folded in a particular way;a gas generator consisting of a pressurised gas container holding a pyrotechnic charge;a point for connection to the electrical system;On the bag cover there is a warning plate which gives the handling instructions (see PROCEDURE 5580C).


The gas generator for inflating the module is electrically activated by a signal coming from the electronic control module. Following this siganl, a pyrotechnic charge is triggeed which causes the gases contained in the generator to expand. The gases expand, coming out of specific holes, and inflate the bag. The increase in volume of the bag causes the retaining clips to break and the flap built into the dashboard to open, thus allowing the bag to come out correctly.To prevent the flap being projected onto the passenger when the bag inflates, the flap is secured to the crossmember by a retaining belt. When fully inflated, the cushion is in the optimum position to carry out its function to retain the occupant. After being inflated by the gas, the bag deflates immediately thanks to the permeability of the fabric.
The flap can only be removed from the dashboard by breaking the prings which must, in that case, be replaced.


View of location on car
1 - Key switch 2 - OFF position: passenger's Air Bag disabled 3 - ON position: passenger's Air Bag enabled 4 - Passenger's Air Bag disabled warning light


A switch operated by the ignition key allows the passenger's Air Bag module to be enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF). The switch is located at the end of the dashboard on the passenger side, and is only accessible with the door open.


The diagram below shows a view of the assembly.
1 - Casing 2 - Switch 3 - Key barrel 4 - PlateThe unit consists of a casing containing the switch, a key barrel inserted in the casing and held by a clip and a plate which indicates the position assumed by the switch (ON or OFF). On the casing, there is also the seating for the connector to the electrical system.Any faults in the switch are indicated by the Air Bag system fault warning light coming on.


The switch can be operated by the car's ignition switch whenever the activation of the passenger's front module is to be enabled or disabled.The electronic control unit checks the status of the switch during the normal diagnostic procedure at Key On (four seconds). If the recognised state is OFF, it excludes the module from possible activation, memorises the corresponding signal and causes the passenger Air Bag disabled warning light on the instrument panel to come on. If the recognised state is ON, after the four seconds of the diagnostic procedure the warning light flashes for a further four seconds and then goes out.The remaining side Air Bags are not affected by deactivation commands.

In the case of faults in the switch, the system ensures the following:

  • it does not activate the passenger module
  • it causes the Air Bag fault warning light to come on
  • it causes the passenger Air Bag disabled warning light to come on
  • it memorises the state of deactivation.
Do not operate the switch with the ignition key in the ON position (e.g. by using the second key). In this case the electronic control unit would memorise a fault, indicating it by switching on the Air Bag fault warning light and deactivating the module.


The figure below shows a view of assembly.
1 - Side Air Bag module 2 - Seat cover 3 - Seat structure 4 - Supply cable 5 - Connector


To provide maximum protection to the front seat occupants in the event of side impacts, there are side Air Bag modules installed on the seat squabs, on the side facing the outside of the car, under the cover.This conformation is considered to be the most efficient as it always enables the Air Bag to be in the optimum position in relation to the occupant, irrespective of the seat adjustment or size of the occupant.The side Air Bag mainly protects the chest and abdominal region, even if the occupant is not seated correctly, as the dynamics of opening of the bag minimises the risk of damage to the body caused by the impact with the Air Bag.
Do not put covers on the front seat squabs.
Do not wash the seat squab with water or pressurised steam.


View of Side Bag components
1 - Outer cover 2 - Container 3 - Point of electrical connection
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View of location of sensor in pillar
1 - Side impact satellite sensor 2 - Connecting connector


Apart from the Air Bags, the side protection system also comprises the electronic control module which ensures correct operation. To measure the acceleration resulting from a side impact, there are two satellite sensors installed in the side pillars, containing an accelerometer.


The side impact satellite sensor consists of a casing containing the acceleration sensor. At the rear of the casing, there is a pin for correct positioning in the seating. On the casing, there is also a connection point for connection to the electrical system.


If the acceleration value measured by the sensor in question causes a particular threshold to be exceeded, this information is compared with the measurement obtained from the safing sensor contained in the Air Bag system's electronic control unit. If the values measured are consistent, the control unit causes the activation of the Air Bags on the side affected by the impact.