3026208 - E5020 ENGINE COOLING - Functional description (Climatizzatore)

Functional description

The relays T6 and T7 in the engine compartment unit B1 manage the switching on of the fan N11 at two speeds: their coils are supplied by the ignition-controlled line (15/54), while the power lines are protected by the fuses F6 and F7, of the engine compartment unit B1 . Both are energized by a control signal - earth - coming from the engine control unit M10 . If the engine coolant reaches a first temperature level, or the 4-stage pressure switch K10 indicates to the control unit M10 - pin 9 of connector A - that a first pressure level has been reached, the control unit M10 sends a signal - from pin 50 of connector A - to the fan 1st speed relay, which then sends the supply to the fan N11 via the additional resistor O10 : the fan thus turns at the first speed (slow). If the coolant reaches a higher temperature level, or the 4-stage pressure switch K10 indicates to the control unit M10 - pin 41 of connector A - that a higher pressure has been reached, the control unit M10 sends a signal - from pin 62 of connector A - to the fan 2nd speed relay T7, which sends the supply directly to the fan N11 : the fan then turns at the maximum speed.