3025853 - 7045A72 front seat mount/guide - passenger`s side r r with seat removed
- 7045A24 squab knob - r r - 7045A43 seat exterior guard - r r - 7045A44 seat interior guard - r r1. Disconnect the side air bag wiring retaining band.2. Release the retainer (2a) and rotate the connector carrier bracket
(2b) into an accessible position.3. Release the connector for the heat pad (3a) and the connector
for the side Air Bag (3b) from the rail-type retainers.4. Disconnect the wiring from the retainer.5. Undo the cushion bolts.
1. Disconnect the two bottom ends of the squab cover, hooked onto
each other.2. Raise the backrest cover slightly.
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the squab heater pad.2. Remove the cushion.
1. Disconnect the end of the seat slide position memory control
cable.2. Undo the bolts fixing the backrest.3. Remove the squab.4. Recover the passenger side front seat support.