3025128 - 2110D52 l/h flange on differential - r + r with drive shaft removed

Removing ( Refitting ) Undo the drain plugs and drain the manual gearbox-differential oil.
Collect the gearbox-differential oil in a suitable container.
Remove the left differential internal driveshaft.

-Counter weight1.821.161.000

Undo the bolts and remove the left flange on the differential. Refitting ( Removing ) Place the left flange on the differential back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.

Refit the differential inner half shaft in its seating.Clean the transmission fluid drain plugs and tighten them to the specified torque.

-Drain plugGEAR CASING PADSM18(Differential side) 1.6 ÷ 2.6

-Drain plugGEAR CASING PADSM22(Mechanical. gearbox. differential/ to engine..) support side 3.0 ÷4. 8
Refill the manual gearbox and differential  - 0010T40  change manual gearbox oil .