3025994 - 1024A10 crank shaft - r + r with engine removed - check main and connecting rod bearingand replace if necessary

Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Use a spanner on the moving tensioner to loosen the tension of the engine components single drive belt.2. Remove the single drive belt.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankshaft pulley (1b).2. Undo the bolt (2a) and remove the single drive belt fixed tensioner (2b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the timing gear covers (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the bracket on the engine for the reaction rod (2b).3. Slacken the nut on the timing belt moving tensioner.4. Remove the timing belt.
1. Fit the tool.

1. Undo the bolt (left) (1a) and remove the drive pulley (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the timing side power unit support (2b).3. Loosen the bands and disconnect the coolant inlet and outlet pipes from the heat exchanger.4. Undo the bolt (4a) and remove the timing belt fixed tensioner (4b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the alternator (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the auxiliary drive belt mobile tensioner (2b).3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the support (3b), complete with power steering pump (3c) and mobile timing belt tensioner (3d).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the guide tube (1b) complete with engine oil dipstick (1c).
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.1. Undo the bolt connecting the crankcase sump to the intermediate shaft support.2. Undo the front and rear bolts (2a) for the crankcase sump using the tool (2b).

3. Undo the side bolts (3a) for the crankcase sump using the tool (3b).

4. Using the tool (4a), cut the sealant and remove the crankcase sump (4b).

1. Remove the oil filter.2. Undo the connector (2a) and remove the engine oil heat exchanger (2b).3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the crankcase front cover with the built-in oil pump (3b) complete with inlet.Remove the crankshaft front oil seal.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the flywheel (1b).2. Remove the tool.

3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the crankcase rear cover (3b) integrated with the oil seal.4. Fit the tool.

Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously until the pistons of cylinders no. 1 and no. 4 are at B.D.C.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod caps (1b) for cylinders 1 and 4.2. Remove lower connecting rod bearing halves for cylinders no. 1 and no. 4.Proceed in the same way to remove the connecting rod caps and bearing halves for cylinders 2 and 3.3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the bearing caps (3b).4. Remove the lower main journal half-bearings.5. Remove the crankshaft.6. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearings.7. Remove the upper main bearing shells.8. Remove the thrust washers from the 3rd main bearing.
Refitting ( Removing ) Visually inspect the condition of the main journal and connecting rod half-bearings and, if necessary, replace them.Record the thickness of the main bearing halves.

-Thickness (mm)Category B1.839 - 1.843
Category C1.842 - 1.846
Classe A1.836 - 1.840
Record the thickness of the main bearing halves.

-Connecting rod half bearing thickness (mm)Category B1.530 ÷ 1.534
Category C1.533 ÷ 1.537
Classe A1.527 ÷ 1.531
Measure the clearance between main journals and bearing halves and crankpins and bearing halves using Plastic Gauge.The clearance between bearing halves and pins must be within specified values.

-Clearance between crankshaft bearings - main journals (mm)0.025 ÷ 0.052

-Big end bearing - crankpin play (mm)0.025 ÷ 0.052
If the clearance is not within specified values, replace the main and/or connecting rod bearing halves as indicated in  - 1004E20  engine - dismantle and re-build following operation 1004e10 - wash and check dismantled parts - re-fit cylinder head and oil sump - does not include repairs to cylinder head and auxiliary unit .Place the upper main bearing halves back in their housings on the crankcase.Place the crankshaft back in its housing on the crankcase.1. Apply calibrated wire (plastigage) to measure main journal backlash.
Check one journal at a time without moving the crankshaft.
1. Place the bearing caps, complete with half-bearings, back in their housings.
The bearing caps have progressive references (from zero to four starting from the front of the engine) which define their fitting position.
1. Tighten the bearing cap bolts (1a) to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).

1aBoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.4 ÷ 2.6 + 100

1. Remove the bearing caps fitted previously and, using a suitable graduated mesuring instrument (1a), measure the clearance shown by the calibrated wire (1b).

1bClearance between crankshaft bearings - main journals (mm)0.011 ÷ 0.071
If the reading is not within the specified range, replace the main bearing halves with new bearing halves of appropriate size and category.
Place the thrust washers back in their housings on tree main bearings.1. Place the bearing caps, complete with half-bearings, back in their housings.
The bearing caps have progressive references (from zero to four starting from the front of the engine) which define their fitting position.
1. Tighten the bearing cap bolts (1a) to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).

1aBoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.4 ÷ 2.6 + 100

Refit the big end bearing shells in their seats on the big end.1. Apply calibrated wire (plastigage) to measure crankpin backlash.
Check one pin at a time without turning the crankshaft.
Place the connecting rod caps, complete with half-bearings, back in their housings.
The connecting rod caps are fitted with the number stamped on them facing the same way as the number stamped on the connecting rod (inlet side).
1. Tighten bolts (1a) to torque using angular tightening tool (1b).

1aBoltBIG END BEARING CAPSM92.4 ÷ 2.6 + 60

Measure the clearance between pin and bearings using a measuring device. Then retighten the connecting rod cap bolts to torque as described previously.

-Clearance between big end bearings-Crankpins (mm)0.016 ÷ 0.070
Refit the upper big end bearing shells in their seats on the big ends.Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously until cylinders no. 1 and no. 4 are at B.D.C.Fit the connecting rod caps and bearing halves for cylinders 1 and 4 and screw in the bolts without tightening.
The connecting rod caps are fitted with the number stamped on them facing the same way as the number stamped on the connecting rod (inlet side).
Do the same to fit the big end bearing caps of cylinders no. 2 and no. 3.1. Tighten the bolts (1a) for the connecting rod caps to the recommended torque, using the angular tightening tool (1b).

1aBoltBIG END BEARING CAPSM92.4 ÷ 2.6 + 60

Remove the tool.

1. Place the crankcase rear cover with its built-in oil seal back in its housing.2. Tighten the bolts securing the crankcase rear cover to the recommended torque.

2BoltFLYWHEEL SIDE COVERM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 ÷ 1.0
Fit the tool.

Refit the engine flywheel in its housing and secure by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.

-BoltFLYWHEELM12(Crankshaft side) 13.6 - 16.8
Fit the engine block front cover complete with oil pump and intake housing without tightening the bolts.1. Refit a new front crankshaft front cover oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).

1bFitting tool1.860.816.001
Tighten the bolts for the crankcase front cover to the recommended torque.

-BoltCRANKSHAFT FRONT COVERM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.8 - 1.0
Place the engine oil heat exchanger with sleeves back in its housing and secure by tightening the connector to the specified torque.

Place the engine oil filter back in its housing and tighten it fully by hand after having lubricated the gasket using engine oil.Apply silicone sealant around the edge of the crankcase sump.Place the crankcase sump back in its housing.Tighten the side bolts for the crankcase sump to torque using the tool.

-Side boltOIL SUMPM6(Engine crankcase side) 0.7 - 0.9

Tighten the front and rear bolts for the crankcase sump to torque using the tool.

-Front and rear boltOIL SUMPM8(Engine crankcase side) 2.1 ÷ 2.6

Tighten the bolt securing the oil sump to the intermediate shaft support.Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhauling stand.Connect the condensate oil return pipe to the crankcase sump and fix it using the band.Place the guide pipe, complete with engine oil dipstick, back in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Fit the support complete with power steering pump and mobile timing belt tensioner and fix it using the bolts.Place the components drive belt moving tensioner back in its housing and secure it without tightening the bolts.Place the alternator back in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Fit the fixed timing belt tensioner and secure by tightening the bolt to the recommended torque.Connect the water inlet and outlet pipes from the water - oil heat exchanger and secure using relevant collars.Fit the power unit support, timing gear side, and fix it using the bolts.1. Fit toothed drive pulley (1a) in its housing and tighten bolt (anticlockwise) (1b) to torque.

1bBolt with left hand threadTOOTHED DRIVE PULLEYM16(Crankshaft side) 30.6 - 37.8
Remove the tool.

1. Undo the bolt for the crankcase front cover shown in the diagram.Temporarily fit the timing drive belt on the drive pulley.2. Fit the tool (2a) and secure it with gauged bolts (2b)
To allow the engagement of the locating dowel on the timing drive belt drive pulley in the opening in the tool, rotate the crankshaft using small movements.


2bCalibrated screw1.860.905.010
1. Rotate the driven pulley so that the timing references line up.2. Completely fit the timing belt.3. Use a screwdriver to lever in the hole (3a) until the reference on the tensioner (3b) lines up with the reference hole (3c) and, in this position, tighten the belt tensioner nut (3d) to torque.

3dNutMOBILE TIMING TENSIONERM10(Cylinder head side) 4.2 - 5.2
Remove the tools.


-Calibrated screw1.860.905.010
Tighten the bolt for the crankcase front cover previously removed.
Rotate the crankshaft through two revolutions.Check once again that the timing references and the tensioning references on the timing belt tensioner coincide.Fit the bracket on the engine for the reaction rod and fix it tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.Place the side timing drive belt rear covers back in their housings and secure them using the bolts.Place the engine components single drive belt fixed tensioner back in its housing and fix it tightening the bolt to the recommended torque.Fit the crankshaft pulley and fix it tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.

-BoltCRANKSHAFT PULLEYM8(Crankshaft side) 2.1 - 2.6
Fit the single engine component belt in its housing by adjusting the moving tensioner using a wrench.