Hardened and tempered steel
Heata treatment applied to special steels to improve their mechanical properties: it involves hardening followed by tempering to make the material much stronger.Tempering: consists of heating at temperatures < 720°C followed by slow cooling in order to lessen the effects of the tempering without removing them.In this way, the material returns to conditions that are closer to a stable chemical and physical balance.Hardening: this is achieved when the metal structure is at a high temperature when it is harder and more resistant than when cold.CONTROL AREA NETWORK (CAN)
The CAN is a communication network that allows the transmission of data between the ECU and other vehicle system computers.The advantage of this system lies in the fact that the need for long wiring is contained and the numberof sensors reduced (because, from the moment the computers are connected by the data transmission system, the information supplied by a sensor can be used simultaneously by various devices).The CAN also allows an improvement in the fault diagnosis system capacities, faster transmission of signals and the electrical/magnet compatibility of components (relation betwen various electrical and electronic circuits on the vehicle and interaction between the vehicle and surrounding conditions).The circuit that connects the ECU with the other terminals is an integrated circuit known by the CAN interface terminal. It has the function of converting the messages received via the data transmission system into the appropriate format.Closed-deck
This describes the type of fitting for the cylinder liners/vores in the monobloc, in this case the two elements form one piece with the top section.Condensation
This is the change of a substance from a vapour to a liquid state, the opposite of evaporation; it takes place through comprssion or cooling.DUCTILE CAST IRON
Ductile cast iron is cast iron that, through the effect of the addition of cerium and magnesium contains globules or balls of carbon in a graphite state in a predominantly ferrous matrix with the consequent improvement of all mechanical and techological properties making it forgeable, weldable and workable using tools.It is used very extensively also because, unlike normal cast iron, it has high resistance and percentage extension values.Evaporation
The phenomenon, also known as vapourization, when a body changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state.Occurs at any temperature but, everything else being equal, the lower the temperature, the slower the change.PWM MODULATION OPERATING CYCLE
This is an impulse frequency and modulated width fixed tension produced by the ECU for the operation of the solenoid valve.s A PWM voltage supply consits of a series of single polarity square waves whose duration is altered by the ECU in response to demand.
Phenomenon whereby the amplitude of oscillations induced in a vibrating system tend to be enhanced (amplified) beyond all limits under certain conditions.Sensor
It is a system that reacts when subject to any form of energy by changing its state, i.e. one or more of its properties (resistance, volume, temperature etc.).For example, a sensor is a material that undergoes conductivity changes when submerged in a magnetic field.New-generation sensors are solid-state devices produced using microchips that can take readings from their surroundings and produce a response in the form of electrical signals that can be processed so a final action can be taken.Sensors are therefore able to measure force, acceleration, pressure and temperature of gases, liquids and solids, concentration of gases such as nitrogen oxides, oxygen, etc.Viscosity
Material property whereby the particles in a body encounter resistance as they slide over one another.The resistance value or internal friction depends on the nature of the body, large in solids, very small in viscous liquids, nil in gases.In liquids, viscosity drops rapidly as temperature rises.SPECIFICATIONS
Current developments
This engine has a HITACHI static advance ditigal electronic ignition system integrated with the phased multiple intermittent type electronic fuel injection system.Services provided
This engine is capable of providing the following performances:
- max power 96 kW CEE at 6300 rpm
- max torque 164 Nm CEE at 3800 rpm
System details
Devices adopted
To reduce polluting emission levels, these engines are equipped with:
- exhaust system with catalytic converter and lambda sensor;
- crankcase vapour/gas recirculation system
- fuel vapour recirculation.
The unit is a system made up of the engine and all circuits required for its operation:
- fuel supply system
- air supply system
- exhaust system with catalytic converter
- oil vapour recirculation system
- engine cooling system.
View of system components
The main system components are illustrated in the diagram below.