Injection control unit (EDC-15C7 common rail)

It is fitted in the engine compartnent on the right side panel. The control unit the flash EPROM type, i.e. it can be reprogrammed from the outside without affecting the hardware.The injection control unit integrates the absolute pressure sensor.PIN OUT
1 - Earth2 - Earth3 - Earth4 - Actuator supply5 - Injector/ECU power supply6 - Not connected7 - Not connected8 - Not connected9 - CAN-L line10 - CAN-H line11 - FIAT Code12 - Not connected13 - Injection relay14 - Not connected15 - Switching off throttle solenoid valve control actuator16 - E.G.R. actuator17 - VGT solenoid valve actuator18 - Air conditioning relay19 - Not connected20 - Engine cooling fan control unit21 - Injection warning light22 - Heater plugs activation23 - Fuel filter heater relay24 - Fuel pump relay25 - Not connected26 - Not connected27 - Not connected28 - C-CAN L29 - C-CAN H30 - Not connected31 - Not connected32 - Not connected33 - Not connected34 - Not connected35 - Not connected36 - Not connected37 - Not connected38 - Not connected39 - Not connected40 - Air conditioning linear pressure sensor positive41 - Not connected42 - Not connected43, Not connected44, Not connected45, Not connected46, Not connected47, Not connected48, K line49, Not connected50, Not connected51, Not connected52, Not connected53, Cruise control54, Brake lights switch signal (released)55, Cruise control56, Cruise control57, Cruise control58, Ignition-operated power supply59, Brake lights switch signal (pressed)60, Air conditioning engagement request61, Clutch pedal switch62, Heater plugs fault diagnosis63, Not connected64, Not connected65, Not connected66, Not connected67, Not connected68, Not connected69, Not connected70, Not connected71, Not connected72, Not connected73, Not connected74, Air conditioning linear pressure sensor earth75, Air conditioning linear pressure sensor signal76, Accelerator pedal earth 177, Accelerator pedal signal 178, Accelerator pedal power supply 179, Accelerator pedal earth 280, Accelerator pedal signal 281, Accelerator pedal power supply 282, Fuel temperature sensor - pin 183, Fuel temperature sensor - pin 284, Coolant temperature sensor - pin 185, Coolant temperature sensor - pin 286, Air flow meter - pin 187, Not connected88, Air flow meter - pin 389, Air flow meter - pin 590, Fuel pressure sensor - pin 391, Fuel pressure sensor - pin 292, Fuel pressure sensor - pin 193, Turbocharging pressure sensor - pin 194, Turbocharging pressure sensor - pin 395, Turbocharging pressure sensor - pin 296, Not connected97, Air flow meter - pin 498, Insufficient engine oil pressure switch99, Rpm sensor - pin 1100, Rpm sensor - pin 2101, Rpm sensor screening102, Timing sensor - pin 1103, Timing sensor - pin 2104, Timing sensor - pin 3105, Water in fuel filter sensor106, Not connected107, Not connected108, Fuel pressure regulator109, Fuel pressure regulator110, Not connected111, Not connected112, Not connected113, Not connected114, Cylinder 4 injector control115, Not connected116, Not connected117, Cylinder 1-2 injectors shared118, Cylinder 3-4 injectors shared119, Cylinder 1 injector control120, Cylinder 2 injector control121, Cylinder 3 injector control



It is fitted on the cylinder block/crankcase facing the flywheel on the crankshaft.It is inductive type, i.e. its operation is determined by magnetic field changes generated by the teeth passing in front of the phonic wheel (60-2 teeth).

The injection control unit uses the rpm signal for:

  • determining the rotation speed;
  • determining the angular crankshaft position.


The changeover from full to empty determined by the presence or absence of a gap brings about a magnetic flux change sufficient to generate an induced alternating voltage proportional to the number of teeth on the ring (or phonic wheel).The frequency and amplitude of the voltage send to the electronic control unit provides the latter with an indication of the engine angular speed.
1 - Brass bush2 - Permanent magnet3 - Plastic sensor casing4 - Coil winding5 - Core6 - Ring gear or flywheel7 - Coaxial paired cable or electrical connectionThe recommended distance (gap) between the end of the sensor and the flywheel for obtaining correct signals should be 0.8 - 1.5 mm.This distance is not adjustable. If the gap is found to be outside the tolerance limits, check the condition of the sensor and phonic wheel.
1 - Maximum magnetic flux2 - Minimum magnetic flux3 - Induced alternating voltage



This Hall effect sensor is fitted on the cylinder head facing the camshaft drive pulley.A slot on the pulley allows the timing sensor to indicate engine timing position.The injection control unit uses the timing sensor signal to identify T.D.C. at the end of compression.


A current-carrying semiconductor layer immersed in a normal magnetic field (force lines at right angles to current direction) generates a potential difference known as a Hall voltage at its terminals.If current intensity remains constant, the generated voltage depends on magnetic field intensity alone. Periodic changes in magnetic field intensity are sufficient to generate a modulated electrical signal with frequency proportional to the speed of magnetic field change. This change is achieved by making a magnetic ring (internal part of pulley) with an opening pass the sensor.As it moves, the metal part of the ring covers the sensor to block the magnetic field and thus generate a high (1) ouput signal. Conversely, the sensor generates a low (0) signal when the opening is over the sensor and a magnetic field is present.Together with the rpm and TDC signal, this signal allows the control unit to identify the cylinders and determine injection point.
1 - Pulley seal2 - Magnetic material



It is fitted in the centre of the intake chamber and has the task of informing the injection control unit in order to:

  • modulate injection pressure;
  • regulate fuel injection duration.
1 - 5 Volt (from ECU)2 - Earth3 - Output signal



This is fitted to the thermostat cup and detects coolant temperature by means of a dual NTC thermistor with negative resistance coefficient.One NTC thermistor sends the signal to the injection control unit whilst the other sends the signal to the temperature gauge and the warning light in the instrument panel.
The sensor is designed using semiconductor technology. In other words, the resistance level drops if sensor element temperature increases with increasing coolant temperature.Because the resistance does not change in linear fashion as temperature increases, it is relatively higher at low temperatures than at high temperatures.



The debimeter is located on the air intake sleeve and is hot film type.
The intake air temperature sensor is built into the debimeter.
1 - Covers2 - Electronic card3 - Sensor4 - Mounting plate5 - Mount6 - O - Ring seal7 - Temperature sensor


The principle of operation is based on a heated membrane positioned within a measurement channel that carries air into the engine.The hot film membrane is maintained at constant temperature (about 120°C higher than the incoming air temperature) by the heating coil.The air mass that flows through the measurement channel tends to remove heat from the membrane. Current must therefore flow through the coil to maintain the membrane at a constant temperature.This current is measured by a special Wheatstone bridge.The current is therefore proportional to the flowing air mass.
The flowmeter measures the air mass directly (not the volume) to eliminate problems of temperature, altitude, pressure etc.

Fuel temperature sensor


It is incorporated in the fuel heater assembly and measures the temperature of the fuel by means of a dual NTC thermistor with negative resistance coefficient.
The sensor is designed using semiconductor technology. In other words, the resistance level drops if sensor element temperature increases with increasing coolant temperature.Because the resistance does not change in linear fashion as temperature increases, it is relatively higher at low temperatures than at high temperatures.



It is fitted in the middle of the single fuel manifold rail and its function is to provide the injection control unit with a feedback signal to enable it to:

  • modulate injection pressure;
  • regulate fuel injection duration.


Construction specifications

The sensor consists of a case secured to the accelerator pedal; the case contains an axially-located shaft connected to two potetiometers: a main one and one safety one.A coil spring on the shaft ensures the correct amount of resistance to pressure while a second spring ensures return following release.


The accelerator pedal position is converted into an electrical voltage signal and sent to the injection control unit by the potentiometer connected to the pedal.The accelerator pedal position signal is processed together with the information relating to the engine rpm to obtain the injection times and the pressure.