Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Lock the gear, undo the fixing bolt (1b), using the tool (1a), and remove the gear (1c).
2. Release the crankshaft gear from the housing in the shaft.
1. Loosen the bolts and the nut.2. Remove the timing belt lower rear guard.3. Undo the nut (3a) and remove the belt tensioner pulley (3b).
1. Undo the retaining bolts.2. Remove the oil seal cover (2a) and then release the oil pump auxiliary shaft (2b).
1. Undo the retaining bolts.2. Remove the crankshaft front cover (2a) and the belt tensioner support (2b).
1. Undo the bolts fixing the water pump mounting to the crankcase.2. Remove the water pump complete with filler pipe.3. Undo the fixing bolts (3a) and remove the alternator mounting (3b).
1. Position the flywheel lock.
2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the clutch plate (2b).
1. Undo the retaining bolts.2. Remove the engine flywheel together with the flywheel lock positioned previously.
1. Undo the fixing bolts (1a) and remove the crankshaft rear cover (1b).
1. Undo and remove the minimum engine oil pressure sensor.2. Undo the fixing bolt (2a) and remove the engine oil vapour separator (2b).3. Undo the fixing bolt (3a) and remove the detonation sensor (3b)
1. Undo the retaining bolts.2. Remove the engine oil pump (2a) complete with oil suction device (2b).Keep the oil pump gasket.3. Undo the fixing bolt (3a) and remove the section inside the crankcase (3b) for the engine oil dipstick.4. Using an appropriate size drift, remove the protective cap (4a) and the gear for the oil pump (4b).
1. Use service bolts (1a) to fit the tool (1b) used to rotate the crankshaft.
1. Undo the fixing bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod cap (1b).2. Remove the lower connecting rod half-bearing.3. Remove the connecting rod-piston assembly.4. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearing.Carry out the same operations to remove the pistons and connecting rods for the remaining cylinders.Use a dial gauge on a magnetic base to check that the crankshaft endfloat is within specified values.
-End float (mm)0.055 ÷ 0.265
If the value for the crankshaft endfloat does not correspond with the recommended figures, when refitting, regrind the crankcase seat and use suitable 0.127 oversize thrust washers.5. Undo the fixing bolts (5a) and remove the bearing cap (5b).6. Remove the lower main journal bearings.7. Remove the crankshaft.8. Remove the upper main journal bearings.9. Remove the thrust washers.
Undo the bolts and remove the crankcase from the mounting brackets, then place it on a suitable workbench.    Op. 1028H54 PISTON WITH CONNECTING ROD - DISMANTLING AT THE BENCH    Op. 1028H60 SET OF PISTONS, GUDGEON PINS AND SEALS - REPLACE PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS AT THE BENCH - INCLUDES ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING    Op. 1084B18 ENGINE OIL PUMP, REMOVED - CHECK AT BENCH Refitting ( Removing ) Wash the dismantled components.Fit the water/oil sealing plugs in the crankcase using suitable fitting tools and spread with a suitable sealant.
-SealantCRANKCASE PLUGSLoktite 270-
Lubricate all the mechanical components with engine oil.Check that the cylinder head support surface does not have cracks or grooves.1. Using a calibrated metal rule (1a) and a feeler gauge (1b), check the planarity of the cylinder head - cylinder block/crankcase support surface.2. If the measurement highlights critical areas, the cylinder block support surface can be reground.
1. Measure the diameter of the cylinder liners/bores as illustrated in the diagram below (at a depth of 115 - 118 mm from the upper edge).
1Cylinder liner diameter (mm)Category A86.400 - 86.410
Category B86.410 - 86.420
Category C86.420 - 86.430
Check that the taper of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder liner taper (mm)< 0.005
Check that the ovality of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder liner ovality (mm)< 0.05
If the cylinder bore measurements are not within the recommended limits, ream the cylinder bores following the recommended oversizes.
-Cylinder liner oversize (mm)0.1
In the case of reaming, all the bores must have the same oversize.
Clean the lubrication ports in the crankshaft using an air jet.Check the static balance of the crankshaft resting the main journals on suitable parallels.Measure the diameter of the main journals and the diameter of the crank pins.
-Main journal diameter (mm)Category A50.790 - 50.800
Category B50.780 - 50.790
-Crankpin diameter (mm)Category A45.513 - 45.523
Category B45.503 - 45.513
If the diameter of the main journals is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
-Main journal undersize (mm)0.127
If the diameter of the crankpins is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
-Crankpin undersize (mm)0.127
Because the crankshaft has undergone nitriding, this treatment should be repeated and the size re-checked if it is ground.
Check the main bearings, noting that the half-bearings should not be adapted. Replace them if scoring or signs of binding are noted.Fit the half-bearings making sure everything is scrupulously clean and taking care to position the half-bearing without splining on the centre bearing support.If the crankshaft has been ground, fit new oversize half-bearings to restore the initial tolerance conditions.1. Fit the crankshaft in the crankcase.2. Fit the calibrated wire (plastigage) for measuring the bearing clearance.3. Fit the bearing caps.4. Tighten the bolts fixing the caps to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
4BoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM107.2 - 8.8
The bearing caps have progressively numbered references from zero to four which define the fitting position.
1. Remove the bearing caps fitted previously and, using a suitable graduated measuring instrument (1a), measure the clearance shown by the calibrated wire (1b).
1bClearance between main bearings - crankshaft main journals (mm)0.019 - 0.050
Measure the clearance for all the bearings taking care to take the measurements one at a time without moving the crankshaft at any time.    Op. 1028H54 PISTON WITH CONNECTING ROD - DISMANTLING AT THE BENCH.Clean any carbon residues carefully from the piston.Carry out the operation of measuring the outer diameters of the pistons perpendicular to the gudgeon pin opening axis 10.2 mm from the lower edge of the piston skirt.
-Pison outer diameter (mm)Category A86.352 - 86.362
Category B86.359 - 86.371
Category C86.368 - 86.378
If the values measured differ from the recommended values, replace the piston complete with seals and gudgeon pin.Calculate the clearance between the cylinder bores/liners and the piston and check that it is within the recommended values.
-Clearance between piston - cylinder liner (mm)Category A0.038 - 0.058
Category B0.039 - 0.061
Category C0.042 - 0.062
Check that the gudgeon pin seat bore diameter is within specified values, otherwise replace the pin with an oversized pin.
-Piston pin housing diameter (mm)21.997 - 22.001
-Pin oversize (mm)0.2
Check that the outer diameter of the gudgeon pin is within specified limits; if not, replace the piston complete with sealing rings and pin.
-Piston pin outer diameter (mm)21.990 - 21.995
User a micrometer gauge to measure the thickness of the piston sealing rings.
-Thickness (mm)1st sealing ring1.470÷1.490
2nd sealing ring1.470÷1.490
3rd sealing ring2.935÷2,945
The seals are available as spares in oversizes of 0.4 mm.
1. Fit the sealing rings (1a) in the cylinder liner and use a feeler gauge (1b) to check the gap between the seal ends is within specified limits. Otherwise replace the sealing rings.
1bGap (mm)1st sealing ring0.200 - 0.450
2nd sealing ring0.250 - 0.500
3rd sealing ring0.400 - 1.400
1. Use a feeler gauge to check the mating clearance between the retaining rings and the grooves on the piston.
1End float (mm)1st sealing ring0.035 - 0.075
2nd sealing ring0.020 - 0.060
3rd sealing ring0.010 - 0.030
Check that the big end and small end diameters are within specified limits.If this is not the case, replace the connecting rods.
-Big end diameter (mm)48.630 - 48.646
-Small end diameter (mm)23.939 - 23.972
    Op. 1084B18 ENGINE OIL PUMP, REMOVED - CHECK AT BENCH.    Op. 1028H60 SET OF PISTONS, GUDGEON PINS AND SEALS - REPLACE PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS AT THE BENCH - INCLUDES ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING.    Op. 1028H54 PISTON WITH CONNECTING ROD - DISMANTLING AT THE BENCH.Fit the crankshaft in the crankcase.Check that the thickness of the thrust washers is within the recommended values.
-Thrust half-washer thickness (mm)2.310 - 2.360
Fit the thrust washers on the flywheel side first support.Fit the bearing caps.Tighten the bolts fixing the caps to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM107.2 - 8.8
The bearing caps have progressively numbered references from zero to four which define the fitting position.
Position the tool for rotating the crankshaft.
Turn the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously.1. The connecting rod-piston assemblies are fitted with the engine rotation arrow stamped on the piston crown pointing towards the inlet side.2. Check that the stamp on the cylinder bore/liner to which the connecting rod belongs is on the exhaust side.
1. Fit the connecting rod-piston assembly (1a) with half-bearing using the tool (1b) to compress the piston rings and then fit the piston into the bore/liner.
1. Test the crankpin clearance by applying plastigage to measure crankpin installation clearance.
Fit the connecting rod cap.Tighten the nuts fixing the connecting rod caps to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Undo the nuts and remove the bearing cap tightened previously.1. Use an appropriate graduated measuring tool (1a) to measure the clearance indicated by the plastigage (1b).
1bClearance between connectring rod bearings - crankpins (mm)0.025 - 0.063
If the value measured is not within the recommended figures, replace the connecting rod bearings.Carry out this test on all the crankpins, one at a time, without ever turning the crankshaft.Fit the connecting rod cap.Tighten the nuts fixing the connecting rod caps to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Fit the auxiliary pump idler gear in the special housing.Apply suitable sealant to the shutter cap, then fit it in the special housing.Fit the crankcase internal section for the engine oil dipstick.Position a new oil pump gasket.Fit the oil pump tightening the fixing bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltENGINE OIL PUMPM82.3 ÷ 2.8
Fit the detonation sensor, the oil vapour separator and the minimum engine oil pressure sensor, tightening the fastenings to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Fit the crankshaft rear cover.Fit the engine flywheel and secure it without tightening the bolts.Fit the flywheel lock.
Tighten the flywheel fixing bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltFLYWHEEL (MECH.)M107.5 - 9.1
Fit the water pump complete with filler pipe.Tighten the water pump retaining bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltCOOLANT PUMPM82.3 ÷ 2.8
Fit the mounting bracket and tighten the fixing bolt to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Fit the new gasket for the cover on the cylinder block/crankcase.1. Remove the gasket (1a) from the front cover using a drift in the slot (1b).
Fit the front cover on the cylinder block/crankcase.Tighten the fixing bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1. Fit the new oil seal in place using the tool.
1Fitting tool1.860.878.000
Fit the belt tensioner support.1. Measure to check that the diameter of the pins (1a) and (1b) corresponds to the recommended figures. Also check that the clearance between the pins and the bush housings in the cylinder block/crankcase corresponds to the recommended figures.
1aPin outer diameter (mm)35.593 - 35.618
1bPin outer diameter (mm)31.940 - 31.960
1aPins - bushes clearance (mm)0.046 - 0.091
1bPins - bushes clearance (mm)0.040 - 0.080
If the values measured are not within the recommended figured, replace the shaft and the bushes referring to op.    1012B20 BOCCOLE NEL BASAMENTO motore dell''albero comando organi ausiliari - Sost. a seguito Op. 1004E20Fit the crankshaft in the crankcase.1. Remove the seal (1a) using a drift inserted in the splining on the inner surface of the cover.
Position the cover on the engine block inserted in the auxiliary drive shaft.Tighten the fixing bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
1. Fit the new seal (1b) using the tool (1a).
1aFitting tool1.860.882.000
Fit the timing belt lower guard.Fit the belt tensioner pulley.Fit the gear on the auxiliary drive shaft.Lock the gear using the retaining tool and tighten the bolt to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Clean the crankcase and oil sump contact surfaces, removing the silicon sealant residues.Apply silicon sealant to the entire perimeter of the crankcase sump.Fit the oil sump on the crankcase.Tighten the oil sump retaining bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltENGINE OIL SUMPM60.8 - 1.0
Clean the contact surfaces between the cylinder head and engine block.Position the cylinder head gasket with the wording "ALTO" [TOP] facing the operator.
The cylinder head gasket is ASTADUR type. The material from which the gasket is made undergoes a polymerization process during the operation of the engine so that it becomes considerably harder during usage. In order for the polymerization process to take place, it is necessary to: - Keep the gasket sealed in its nylon container; - only take it out of its casing shortly before fitting; do not lubricate the gasket or get oil on it, taking care that the surfaces of the cylinder block and cylinder head are clean.
Before fitting the cylinder head, rotate the crankshaft until the piston for cylinder no. 1 is approximately at T.D.C.Position the cylinder head on the cylinder block/crankcase.Tighten the cylinder head fixing bolts following the order illustrated in the diagram below.1. Using the tool (1a) tighten the head fixing bolts (1b) to torque following the order illustrated previously.
1aTorque wrench1.860.942.000
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltCYLINDER HEADM10 X 1.254 + 90° + 90°
Connect the water pump engine coolant pipe.Position the exhaust manifold on the cylinder head.Fit the power assisted steering pump mounting bracket on the exhaust manifold.Tighten the nuts securing the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Position the heat shield on the exhaust manifold.Lock the partition fixing nuts.Position the new camshaft housing gasket.Fit the camshaft housing, taking care not to drop the hydraulic tappets.Tighten the camshaft housing fixing bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltRIGHT CAMSHAFT HOUSINGM8(Cylinder head side) 1.4 - 1.7
Position the new inlet side camshaft housing gasket.Fit the camshaft housing, taking care not to drop the hydraulic tappets.Tighten the camshaft housing fixing bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltRIGHT CAMSHAFT HOUSINGM8(Cylinder head side) 1.4 - 1.7
Fit the rear timing belt guard.Fit the fixed timing belt tensioner and tighten the retaining bolt to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltFIXED TENSIONERM127.8 - 9.6
Fit the camshaft pullies without tightening the fixing bolts.Remove the camshaft rear covers from the camshaft housings.Check that the piston for cylinder no. 1 is approximately at T.D.C., then time the camshafts.1. Position the camshaft timing tools.
2. When fitting the tools, ensure that the housing (2a) for the shaft is aligned with the key (2b) on the actual tools.3. Lock the tool fixing nuts.
The letters "A" (aspirazione - inlet) and "S" (scarico - exhaust) are stampted on the tools to ensure that the shafts are correctly positioned. The tools are therefore not interchangeable.
Remove the spark plugs from the seats in the cylinder head.1. Position the spark plug for cylinder no. 1 and a dial guage (1a) with a pointer (1b) in the seat. Rotate the crankshaft with slight even movements until the piston for cylinder 1 is at TDC on the dial gauge.
1bDial gauge support1.860.895.000
1. Proceed with fitting the timing drive belt (1a) fitting it initially on the crankshaft gear (1b), the oil pump gear (1c), the fixed pulley (1d), the inlet timing pulley (1e), the exhaust timing pulley (1f) and lastly on the automatic tensioner (1g).
1. Undo the retaining bolt.2. Position the tool for tensioning the timing belt.
2Belt tensioner1.860.876.000
1. Using the tool, tension the belt in the maximum tension position, i.e. when the moving index on the belt tensioner is in the end of travel position.2. Tighten the nut fixing the tensioner to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Using the tool for locking the pullies, tighten the bolts fixing the camshaft pullies to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Remove the camshaft timing tools.
Remove the dial gauge together with the pointer.
-Dial gauge support1.860.895.000
Rotate the crankshaft throught two revolutions in its normal direction of rotation.1. Loosen the nut retaining the timing belt moving tensioner.2. Using the tool (2a) slowly discharge the toothed timing belt tension until the moving reference (2b) is in line with the fixed reference (2c).
2aBelt tensioner1.860.876.000
Tighten the nut fixing the moving timing tensioner to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Remove the tool and tighten the fixing bolt removed previously for positioning the tensioning tool.
It is advisable to recheck the timing by repositioning the tools on the camshafts and positioning the engine at TDC for cylinder no. 1 with the dial gauge and pointer.If the engine timing is not correct or there are problems with the timing belt, the engine tuning procedure must be repeated.
Fit the camshaft rear covers.Fit the support for the ignition coils, tightening the nuts fixing the support and the covers to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Position the flywheel lock.
Position the crankshaft pulley and flywheel.Tighten the fixing nut to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Remove the flywheel lock.
Fit the single timing belt guard.Fit the oil dipstick simultaneously with the intake manifold.Fit the wiring duct on the intake manifold.Tighten the lower bolt fixing the oil dipstick and the nuts fixing the intake manifold to the recommended torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Position the air intake chamber.Tighten the nuts and the bolts fixing the chamber to the camshaft housing.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
-BoltINLET AIR DUCTM71.4 ÷ 1.7
Tighten the bolts and the to the intake manifold.Fit the guard and secure it using the nuts.Connect the coolant pipe.Fit the engine oil filler pipe.Tighten the fixing bolts and connect the oil vapour intake pipe.Fit the ignition coils on the mounting bracket, tightening the bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Connect the supply connections for the coils to the spark plugs.Position the power assisted steering pump complete with supports.1. Fit the drive belt on the power assisted steering and water pump pullies.2. Using the adjustment screw and nut, tension the power assisted steering pump drive belt.3. Using a torque wrench, check that the belt tension is correct.
3Torque wrench1.895.762.000
3Power assisted steering pump new belt tension (daN)32 - 45
4. Tighten the bolts fixing the power assisted steering pump brackets to torque.
FasteningComponentØ  Value(daNm)
Fit the pump plastic shield.
Position the electrical wiring.Connect the electrical connection to the detonation sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the rpm sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the brake fluid level sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the alternator.Connect the electrical connections to the injectors.Connect the electrical connections to the ignition coils.Connect the electrical connection to the engine coolant temperature sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the throttle position sensor.Connect the electrical connection to the engine idle speed actuator.Connect the electrical connection to the built-in air temperature sensor.Position the relevant part of the wiring in the appropriate duct.    Op. 1004D40 ENGINE - POSITION ON STAND AND REMOVE