3363572 - 1028H58 connecting rod small end bush - replace

Dismantling ( Reassembling ) Position the connecting rod under a suitable press.1. Remove the small end bush using the drift. (1b)

Reassembling ( Dismantling ) Check that the diameter of the small end is within the recommended limits or else the connecting rod has to be replaced.

-Small end diameter (mm)23.939 - 23.972
Check the outer diameter of the new small end bush also making sure that the interference between the bush and the small end is within the recommended values.

-Small end bush external diameter (mm)24.016 - 24.041

-Interference between small end bush and housing (mm)0.044 - 0.102
Position the connecting rod under a press again.1. Using the drift (1a), fit the new bush (1b), taking care to ensure that the lubrication port (1c) in the bush coincides with the one (1d) in the connecting rod.

Reface the bush fitted previously using a suitable reamer, making sure that internal diameter of the bush is within the maximum permissible vaule.

-Maximum permissible bush internal diameter after reaming (mm)22.004 - 22.009