3363716 - Introduction - SPECIAL ACCESSORIES

Cruise Control


The engine managment systems for petrol engines with motorized throttles and diesel engines with electronically controlled injection times include the Cruise Control function, i.e. a system which automatically maintains the cruising speed set by the driver.The Cruise Control is integrated in the steering column switch unit which also controls the direction indicators and front/rear window wiper.The figure shows the location of the Cruise Control.
1 - Cruise Control lever 2 - Lights/direction indicators lever 3 - Horn/radio controls cable 4 - Air Bag module connectors 5 - Front/rear wiper control lever 6 - Air Bag clock spring

The third lever on the steering column switch incorporates the Cruise Control commands, namely:

  • a ring switch for activating/deactivating the system;
  • a ring switch which memorises the car's increase/decrease in speed;
  • a Resume button for recalling the memorised speed.
A - Front view of Cruise Control lever B - Rear view of Cruise Control lever 1 - 6 pin connector 2 - Resume button for recalling speed memorized 3 - Ring switch with increase/decrease memorizing function (acceleration position: +; deceleration position: -) 4 - Ring switch (ON: Cruise activated; OFF: Cruise deactivated)Six-way connector pin out
1Resume command positive signal
2INT from F-35 CPL
3Headway signal for selecting safety distance from obstacle
4Cruise control engagement positive signal (on)
5Deceleration positive signal (-)
6Acceleration positive signal (+)
The electronic system is managed by the injection unit (NCM) ME7.3.1. It automatically maintains the cruising speed set by the user and actuates this control via a command on the motorised butterfly. - The Cruise Control system may be present on both cars with manual gearbox and cars with automatic transmission connected to the engine control on CAN network.


To activate the Cruise Control function, it is necessary to:

  • 1 - activate the bistable ring switch in the ON position;
  • 2 - bring the car up to the desired speed; remember that the Cruise Control can only be activated for speeds of over 30 km/h. It is advisable to switch it on in fourth gear or upwards, and on road conditions which allow the set speed to be maintained safely.
  • 3 - operate the ring switch towards the (+) mark: this is switch with automatic return.
  • 4 - release the accelerator pedal and allow the system to act directly;
  • 5 - the instrument panel (NQS) will light up the light (LED) fixed in accordance with the signal coming from the fuel injection control unit (NCM), via the CAN network, indicating the Cruise Control operating status. When it goes out, this indicates the deactivation of the system.


To change the memorisation of the car speed corresponding to the moment when it was memorised, it is necessary to:

(A) Speed increase:

  • operate the ring switch towards the (+) mark: an acceleration ramp is produced at a constant gradient which can be programmed;
  • on release of the switch (automatic return of the switch), the system maintains and memorises the new speed reached by the car.

(B) Speed reduction

  • operate the ring switch towards the (-) mark: the car speed is reduced in relation to that set previously by the Cruise Control; release the button and the system will maintain the new speed reached by the car.
The Cruise Control can operate within the full range of rpm permitted by the engine, for both versions with automatic transmission on CAN network and versions with manual gearbox.


By pressing the automatic return button located on the top of the Cruise Control lever, this function enables the care to be brought to the last speed value memorised, if the Cruise Control has been switched off because of particular conditions (e.g. operation of the cluth or use of the stop switch during braking).In the case of manual gearbox, the same gear used when the speed is sest must have been engaged. If a speed value has not been recognised, pressing the button has no effect.


(A) The Cruise Control is deactivated by the user by:

  • turning the ring switch to the OFF position
  • switching off the engine;
  • operating the brake or clutch pedal (in these cases the last speed reached remains memorised, and can be recalled by pressing the Resume button).
  • vehicle speed below the permitted minimum (about 30 km/h) or above the permitted maximum;
  • setting the automatic transmission selector lever to position P, N, R (on robotised gearbox the information is on the CAN network); on manual gearboxes, if the lever is operated without using the clutch, the rpm and car speed will not be consistent; in all these cases, pressing the Resume button re-activates the system.
  • operating the accelerator with Cruise Control active: by pressing the accelerator (e.g. for overtaking) the Cruise Control permits a temporary increase in the car speed because it is temporarily deactivated, but as soon as the action on the accelerator pedal ceases, the system reactivates the memorised speed setting.
The recognition of the engaged gear with car moving for automatic transmission is available on the CAN network; for the manual gearbox, the engaged gear is recognised by comparing the car speed with the engine rpm with clutch engaged.For safety reasons, the ASR (Antislip Regulation) and VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) functions have priority over the Cruise Control; when the operation of the ASR/VDC is over, the Cruise Control is automatically reactivated at the last speed value memorised.

(B) The Cruise Control is automatically deactivated if:

  • acceleration higher than the set limit occurs (e.g. a rapid descent);
  • deceleration higher than the sest limit occurs: the gear selector lever is used without the clutch.

However, the system switches off automatically when the signals used by the Cruise software are incorrect because they are attributable to faults in the components;

  • vehicle speed sensor;
  • accelerator pedal potentiometer;
  • plausibility of brake/stop lights switches;
  • plausibility of clutch switch;
  • lever position on automatic transmissions;
  • plausibility of Cruise switch and Resume button;
  • plausibility of Cruise switch and (+) (-) buttons;

The Cruise Control system is also deactivated in all cases where errors occur on components which impair engine operation, such as:

  • engine management control unit;
  • engine rpm sensor;
  • electronic throttle body actuators/sensors (petrol engines);
  • engine load meter (petrol engines);
  • coils (petrol engines);
  • fuel injectors;
  • high-pressure system components (diesel engines);
  • turbo actuators/sensors (if present).
A 'fault' is a serious malfunction of the engine control system or Cruise Control system, such as to require that the Cruise Control become 'blocked' (i.e. disabled until the engine is turned off). An 'anomaly' is an anomalous condition (due to a malfunction or incorrect command from the user, such as, for example, involuntary simultaneous activation of the Resume buttons and (+) (-) ring buttons, such as to require that the Cruise Control be deactivated, but not blocked. In both cases of fault and anomaly, an error code which can be read by a diagnostic instrument must be memorised. Cruise Control errors must not cause the fuel injection control unit (ECN) warning light to come on, or the Cruise Control warning light.

Adaptive Cruise Control


The ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) assists the driver in controlling both the cruising speed and the distance from the vehicle in front and allows the vehicle to be driven at the desired speed without pressing the accelerator pedal.The system makes it possible to reduce driver fatigue on motorways, particularly on long trips, because the set speed is maintained automatically and this helps towards keeping a correct distance from the vehicle in front. Driving at a constant speed also makes it possible to restrict fuel consumption and improves the traffic flow.The electronically controlled system operates independently and does not require communication between vehicles or the need for other vehicles to be equipped with a similar system.
The speed regulator is not an 'automatic pilot', but a system that helps the driver leaving them full responsibility for manoeuvres carried out whilst driving in traffic and for respecting the highway code and other traffic regulations.
The Adaptive Cruise Control is not an anti-crash system: it is not capable of detecting and signalling obstacles in the driving path nor of stopping the vehicle if obstacles are present. Each time the driver operates the brake, clutch or accelerator the speed control system is informed and the responsibility for road safety always lies with the driver of the vehicle.
The maximum deceleration automatically implemented by the system of 2.5 m/s[sup2 ] is limited in relation to the actual capacity of the braking system which means that the only driver can carry out emergency braking when needed.
The speed governor should only be activated when traffic and route conditions allow, i.e. when a constant speed can be safely maintained for a sufficiently long stretch.
The system can only be switched on when the speed of the vehicle is between 30 and 160 km/h and is switched off automatically when the brake pedal is pressed. If the speed goes below 30 km/h or above 160 km/h when the system is switched on, a buzzer warns the driver until they regain control of the vehicle's speed.

The advantage of this system are:

  • improved driving comfort: it takes the burden of adjusting the speed to suit traffic conditions away from the driver
  • more economical: it allows peaceful driving and reduces consumption
  • improved efficiency: it improves the traffic flow thanks to the automatic speed control


The system components are:

  • radar sensor (NAC: Adaptive Cruise Control Node),
  • Cruise Control lever
1 - Radar sensor 2 - Cruise Control lever


The system can be seen as an extension of the traditional Cruise Control system, not only capable of maintaining a set speed, but also of adapating the speed of the vehicle to suit the road traffic conditions by accelerating and decelerating (including using the brakes).
The system is not activated when the gear lever is in the manual position and with the engine switched off

Traditional cruise control

Only limited manual acceleration and deceleration operations are permitted after the desired speed has been set by the driver.

Adaptive cruise control

If no vehicle is identified in the driving path then the system maintains the speed that has been set; if, on the other hand, a vehicle is detected in the driving path, then the system automatically maintains the correct distance from the vehicle in front.The function is disabled each time the brake pedal is operated whilst pressing the accelerator pedal allows the speed set to be exceeded without disabling the function.The driver receives a summary of the speed set data, presence/absence of an obstacle and tracking via a simple display in the dashboard.

Driver input

The driver can make use of 4 controls to manage the system as well as using the brake to release it and the accelerator to override it:

  • ON/OFF,
  • SET + (speed increase)
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The driver's seat belt fastened warning light (4) comes on permanently when the driver's seat belt is not correctly fastened and the ignition is switched ON.

Anti-theft Alarm System


The vehicle is equipped with an optional alarm system consisting of:

  • Alarm siren (in the engine compartment) connected to the NBC bia the A - BUS serial line
  • Trim fitted on the courtesy light with volumetric sensors, anti-tilt sensors and exclusion buttons
  • Perimeter sensors (door open switches)
  • Transmitter in remote control key
  • Receiver in NBC

The following are also designed to alert the user:

  • anti-theft on and malfunction signal LED, located in the driver's door panel trim
  • Signals giving the causes of the alarm or malfunction via the instrument panel
The NBC, completing the alarm function (the same for all countries) can be programmed, individually, to meet local activation/deactivation blink code and alarm (siren) regulations.The programming can be altered by the service network to adapt it for a temporary stay in another country.It is possible, using the exclusion buttons, to separately switch off the volumetric surveillance and/or the anti-lifting surveillance before switching on the alarm.The partial switching off persists until the next command to unlock the doors / switch off the alarm.The alarm system carries out perimeter surveillance, volumetric surveillance, surveillance to detect if the vehicle is being tilted (if the sensor is fitted), surveillance to detect if the supply cables are cut and surveillance of the ignition lock barrel. The engagement of the alarm system is indicated by the direction indicators coming on constantly and a beep from the siren.When the alarm is switched on, the deterrent LED at the side of the safety knob in the door panel will flash to indicate the surveillance state.When the system is switched the volumetric protection and/or the anti-tilt protection can be excluded.When the system is switched off this is signalled by the direction indicators flashing twice and the siren beeping twice. The alarm system is also switched off using an enabled key recognized by the immobilizer and/or the Passive Entry system.


The operation of the alarm system is managed by the NBC which sends and receives commands from the outside modules via the A - BUS serial line.

Below is a list of the eight possible states for the alarm system:

  • REST
  • ON
  • OFF


This is the state the alarm system is in each time an enabled key or CID is recognized by the immobilizer or the Passive Entry system. This is the only way to deactivate the alarm if it is impossible to deactivate it using the remote control or CID (the remote key on the siren is no longer fitted); this operation switches the alarm off but not the signals (blinker and LED).


This is the 'basic' state the alarm system is in and from which it is possible to move to the following states:

  • Diagnosis: activated by connection to the NBC using the Examiner.
  • Surveillance: through an insertion command when the vehicle needs protecting.
  • Deactivation: when an enabled key or CID is recognized by the immobilizer / Passive Entry.
In the 'rest' condition the NBC always controls the + 15 which, if fitted, prevents the move to 'Surveillance' and, especially to 'Alarm', if not fitted, the 'Surveillance' condition is introduced.The volumetric and anti-tilt sensors can be excluded, in the rest condition, within 1 minute of the key off by pressing the buttons on the courtesy light trim.

Switching on

The switching on operation allows the alarm to move on from the 'Rest' condition to 'Surveillance'.This operation takes place the moment the doors are locked (using the remote control or Passive Entry) and is signalled, as stated earlier, by the direction indicators coming on at the same times as the siren beeps.

When the NBC receives the command (remote control, Passive Entry) it activates the alarm switching on procedure as follows:

  • INDICATION OF SWITCHING ON IN PROGRESS It identifies the operating mode. It activates the diagnosis of the alarm system modules. It gives the go ahead for the visual and acoustic signals when it is switched on.
  • SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS The plausibility of the door switches (2 or 4) and the boot and bonnet switches is checked and, if one of these entry points is found NOT to be closed, then it is excluded from the surveillance.
  • SENSOR STATE CHECK If the siren is NOT OK after a maximum of 3 seconds the system causes the direction indicators to flash twice. A maximum of 4 seconds after the sysetm has been switched on, the NBC receives OK /NOT OK information from the volumetric sensors module and the anti-tilt sensor. (see signalling modes in next point). If the results for these modules do not arrive within 4 seconds, then the respective module is decreed to be not working signalling an alarm system failure.
  • DISPLAY OF DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION The signalling of faults when the system is switched on takes place through: 1 warning beep 4 seconds after the locking / alarm engagement command. Signalling the type of problem through the deterrent LED as follows: A) flashing at 8 Hz for 2.5 seconds for volumetric faults. B) LED on constantly for 10 seconds for a siren fault or anti-tilt sensor fault. Obviously the system components which are faulty will not be switched on.
  • SWITCHING ON SIREN If the siren is working properly the management of the HEART BEAT at the A - BUS serial line will be activated, i.e. a signal which is exchanged every 500 msecs. between the NBC and the siren to constantly check the latter.


During the surveillance state the NBC reads all the signals / commands passing through the CAV (volumetric alarm control unit) and the CSA (anti-theft alarm control unit) A - BUS commanding the siren, via the A - BUS, if these signals / commands require its activation.

The move to the alarm state is activated if the NBC verifies one or more of the following conditions:

  • the presence of the + 15 without a prior deactivation command.
  • Change in state of the inputs coming from the doors, boot or bonnet (instrusion attempt)
  • Command at the A - BUS from outside modules such as the ultrasound sensors, ant-tilt sensor or from the siren (cables cut).

Switching on again

Re-switching on allows the alarm system to change from rest to surveillance automatically when, after switching off by the user, the doors / bonnet / boot are not opened.The alarm is switched back on taking account of any exclusions of parts of the system carried out at the last switch-on. (volumetric protection, siren, etc.)
If the NBC measures a battery voltage of below 8.5 V for more than 30 minutes, it switches off the external modules in order to safeguard the life of the battery and the possibility of subsequent engine starting.
If the user shows the intention of opening the boot / rearscreen (using the remote control button) and the system is in the surveillance or alarm state, then the NBC disables the volumetric / anti-tilt external modules, disables the boot / rearscreen entry from the perimeter protection (with the door and bonnet lid protection remaining activated) and activates the blinker signals (see: Central Locking System).If, however, within 1 second of the command (from the remote control) the state of the boot switch does not change, the system switches the protection systems back on again. This timing makes it possible to ensure that the vehicle is protected even if the boot / rearscreen entry system is faulty. If, on the other hand, the boot / rearscreen is left open and the alarm is then switched on, the volumetric / anti-tilt protection system will be switched on.


If one of the surveillance sensors identifies a faulty situation (attempted or successful intrusion or theft of the vehicle), the alarm system changes to the alarm state switching on the siren and blinker.The NBC memorizes the last 10 causes of an alarm.

The following causes of alarm can be memorized:

  • alarm from driver's door
  • alarm from passenger door
  • alarm from left rear door
  • alarm from right rear door
  • alarm from ultrasound sensor
  • alarm from anti-tilt sensor (if fitted)
  • alarm from siren cable cutting
  • alarm from boot
  • alarm from bonnet
  • alarm from + 15
  • alarm from + 30 cable cutting
  • alarm from incorrect communication between NBC and siren control unit (Heart Beat)
  • alarm from intrusion at siren with incorrect DSIR command
  • alarm from intrustion at external modules with DUS and DAINC command

Switching off

Switching off can take place during either surveillance or an alarm state and is carried out using the remote control or Passive Entry; the NBC commands the alarm system to be switched off the moment the doors are unlocked.

The alarm system can also be switched off in the following ways:

  • by turning an enabled key to the ON position
  • by detecting the presence of a valid CID in the passenger compartment in the GARAGE position (The latter operation is, for example, necessary when with the CID discharged, the customer oepns the driver's door using the catch and thereby activates the alarm: by placing the CID in the GARAGE position the alarm can be deactivated).
At the first key on the NBC commands the display of any alarms which have taken place via the LED

End of line programming (proxi)

This programming is carried out in the factory at the end of the line (proxi procedure) and consists of memorizing the configuration of the system fitted on the vehicle in the NBC; in other words the NBC is told whether or not the siren, ultrasound modules and anti-tilt sensor are fitted.This information can then be read but NOT altered by the Examiner which will adapt its diagnostic procedures depending on the configuration of the vehicle.On a service level, when the NBC, the siren or the CAV is replaced, the PROXI procedure is not carried out using the Examiner because the NBC arrives already programmed whilst the siren and the CAV do not require the procedure.

During the end of line PROXI the COUNTRY MODE is also memorized (default: EEC) and can be altered by the service network using the Examiner or through the following procedure:

  • 1 place the ignition key in the key on position
  • 2 activate the hazard warning light flasher
  • 3 press the rear fog lamp button and keep it pressed
  • 4 using the ignition key carry out the following sequence in strict order: key off (< 2 s), key on (< 1s), key off, starting from the key on state keeping the rear fog lamp button pressed
  • 4 at the end of the manoeuvre the siren will beep 5 times to confirm that the programming has been activated
  • 5 release the rear fog lamp switch and press it again the same number of times as the desired mode (if the button is pressed for an invalid number of times, the siren will beep 5 times and the procedure will be cancelled)
  • 6 turn the ignition key to the key on position within 10 seconds of pressing the rear fog lamp switch for the last time
  • 7 the siren will beep the same number of times as the operating mode selected
  • 8 at the end of the beeps, turn the ignition key to the key off position: the NBC is programmed for the new operating mode

Below is a list of the different operating modes:

  • MODE 2 (Great Britain)
  • MODE 3 (Belgium)
  • MODE 4 (Holland)
  • MODE 5 (World)
  • MODE 6 (Temporary market)
Operating modes table:
SIREN ALARM TIME (S)2626262626X255s
SIREN POWER (DBA)110110110114110X255DBA
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